2022-2023 ‘Your World’ Competition | 全球学生视频竞赛报名啦!

Show your talent in British Council

Global Video Competition

Your World


Your World”


UISZ are excited to invite you to participate in the global British Council Partner Schools video competition – Your World.

增城誉德莱诚邀各位参加由英国文化教育协会主办的”Your World” 视频全球竞赛, 和世界各地的联盟成员学校学子同台竞技。

The Your World video competition is a global flagship activity for all British Council Partner Schools, Your World’ Competition

This is a fantastic opportunity for students from around the world to use their creativity and connect with each other while providing a window into their unique lives, environments, and experiences.


As the world recovers from a global pandemic, the lasting effect it has had on health and wellbeing is still being felt. This year’s theme is a chance to reflect and address how our communities can tackle this.


Or any other idea that looks at improving health and well-being of a community, big or small including your school over the long term.

 Cross curricular focus 跨学科应用 

The theme of Good Health and Well-being can be related to many of the subjects that students study at school such as science, physical education, business studies and global studies. Students can draw upon their knowledge of these subjects to produce a truly exceptional live action video or animated style video that highlights their skills and learning while making it.

“良好健康与福祉” 这一主题可与学生在校学习的多个学科相关联,例如:科学、体育和全球化研究。学生可以从这些学科的知识中汲取灵感,制作一段非同凡响的实景真人视频或动画视频,在制作的过程中突出自己的技能和学习成果。

 Core skills development 培养核心技能 

By participating in this competition students will develop the following essentials skills which will enable them to grow into well-rounded and creative citizens, ready to engage with job markets and shape the future for themselves and future generations.


 Applications for overseas studies 申请留学 

It is increasingly common for students to demonstrate activities they are doing outside of the classroom in support of their applications. This competition will demonstrate a commitment on behalf of students to developing themselves proactively in their free time and their awareness about social and environmental issues around them.


Students need to think about the following questions when planning their three-minute live action video or animated style video:

Have local needs been identified accurately?

Do the outcomes of the assessment justify the proposed idea?

Is the issue a priority for the target community?

How innovative or unique is the live action video or animated style video?

Feasibility 可行性

The video needs to demonstrate that the issue highlighted is real and suggestions/recommendations achievable in its approach and intended impact.

Impact 影响力

The video needs to present the imp nd demonstrate the positive changes it would bring about if put into action and that community considerations have been taken into account. The aim of the impact should be long-term.

The Your World video competition is open for  students aged between 14 and 17. 

Each school can submit one entry in the age category above. Students must work in groups – as this is a collaborative effort – in teams of between three to five students. Students can also seek the advice and support of teachers in their school in producing this three-minute live action video or animated style video.

Students have to submit a live action video or animated style video, 3-minutes long, focused on their world as they experience it. There is room for a great deal of creativity. We are looking for live action video or animated style video of imagination and originality that will appeal to other students from different countries.


The video should have been made specifically for this competition. Production quality is not included in our judging criteria. 

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