DSE Examination Experience Sharing丨直播预告:2024届DSE考试解析系列之数学

We are excited to announce an exclusive live streaming event where you can gain invaluable insights into the DSE math examination experience directly from DSE math teacher!
我们很高兴地宣布,我们将举办一次独家直播活动,让您直接从 DSE 数学老师那里获得有关 DSE 数学考试经验的宝贵见解!

During the live stream, you can expect

1. Exam content analysis: We will delve into the content of the 2024 DSE Math exam to help you understand the main points and problem-solving techniques of each exam.
考试内容解析: 我们将深入剖析2024年DSE数学科目的考试内容,帮助你理解每个考点的要点和解题技巧。

2. Analysis of typical questions: Through detailed interpretation of typical questions, we will take you to explore a variety of ideas and methods to make you more comfortable with the test.

3. Problem-solving skills: We will share various problem-solving techniques and strategies to help you solve math problems more efficiently in the exam room.

We look forward to seeing you at the live streaming event and wish all DSE candidates the best of luck on their exam journey!
我们期待在直播活动中与您相见,并祝愿所有 DSE 考生在考试之路上一帆风顺!