PYPx 2024丨Celebrating Learning 誉德莱小学成果展圆满结束

The UISZ new campus recently hosted a successful celebration of the PYPX 2024, bringing together students, parents, and staff for a day filled with excitement, learning, and community spirit. The Primary Years Programme Exhibition (PYPX) is a significant event in the UISZ calendar, showcasing the hard work and creativity of students as they present their projects and learning experiences.


Highlighting Student Achievements

The PYPX 2024 celebration was a testament to the dedication and effort of UISZ Y5 students. Throughout the year, students engaged in in-depth research, collaborative projects, and hands-on learning experiences. The exhibition allowed them to share their findings and achievements with the school community. Each student group presented their projects, which covered a wide range of topics, including environmental conservation, technological innovation, cultural heritage, and social issues.

2024 年PYP 结业展充分体现了UISZ学校五年级学生的贡献和努力。在这一年中,学生们参与了深入研究、合作项目和实践学习体验。此次展览让他们能够与学校社区分享自己的研究成果和成就。每个学生小组都展示了自己的项目,内容涉及环境保护、技术创新、文化遗产和社会问题等多个方面。

Parents and visitors were impressed by the quality and depth of the presentations and projects. The students’ ability to articulate their ideas and findings clearly demonstrated the effectiveness of the PYP curriculum in fostering critical thinking, creativity, and communication skills.


Community Involvement and Support

The success of the PYPX 2024 celebration was made possible by the strong support and involvement of the entire UISZ community. The enthusiastic participation of parents and community members underscored the importance of collaborative efforts in creating a supportive learning environment.

2024 年PYP成果展的成功举办离不开整个 UISZ 社区的大力支持和参与。家长和社区成员的热情参与凸显了通力合作对于创造一个支持性学习环境的重要性。

Looking Ahead

As the PYPX 2024 celebration came to a close, it was clear that the event had left a lasting impact on everyone involved. Students walked away with a sense of pride and accomplishment, having successfully communicated their learning journeys and inspired others with their creativity and knowledge. The event also reinforced the values of inquiry, reflection, and action that are at the core of the PYP framework.

随着 2024 年PYPX 庆祝活动的结束,这次活动显然给所有参与者留下了持久的影响。学生们带着自豪感和成就感离开,他们成功地交流了自己的学习历程,并用自己的创造力和知识启发了他人。这次活动还强化了作为PYP框架核心的探究、反思和行动的价值观。

UISZ Open Day