Offer Voice |Arnold’s Journey with the IB:博学而谦逊,常怀敬畏之心

Arnold has spent a significant portion of his education immersed in the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. His early education included time in Switzerland and a year in Singapore. These experiences have seasoned him in embracing new cultures, and his time in the Diploma Programme (DP) has been a particularly humbling and educational journey.


In the DP, Arnold chose the following subjects:

Standard Level (SL)

Economics, English A, and Chinese B

经济学、英语 A 和中文 B

Higher Level (HL)

 Design, Mathematics AA, and Physics 

设计、数学 AA 和物理

His choice of HL subjects—Mathematics, Physics, and Design—stems from a long-standing interest in design, art, and potentially architecture. While considering both art and design, Arnold found his passion leaned more towards design, which is why he chose it over art.


Arnold received offers from seven to eight different universities, with five from the UK, one from Germany, and one from Australia. Among these, he believes Newcastle University is the best choice for him, aligning with his academic capabilities and aspirations.


Memorable Moments and Challenges

One of Arnold’s most memorable moments at UISZ was during the volleyball seasons in Grade 11. Volleyball, a highly competitive sport, provided an adrenaline rush that invigorated his nervous system. This experience was invaluable, helping him stay focused, maintain his mental health, and stay physically active.


The DP journey was not without its challenges. Deadlines, particularly for Internal Assessments (IAs), were a significant hurdle. The two-year timeframe seemed ample initially, but Arnold quickly realized how swiftly time could slip away. Learning effective self-management and time management was a tough lesson, but a crucial one.

DP 之旅充满了挑战。作业截止日期,尤其是内部评估(IA)的截止日期,是一个重大障碍。两年的时间最初似乎很充裕,但Arnold很快就意识到时间会溜走得如此之快。学习有效的自我管理和时间管理是一门艰苦的课程,但却是至关重要的一课。

Reflections on the IB Program

The IB program, and the dedicated teachers at UISZ, push students to develop self-discipline and take ownership of their learning. This autonomy in managing one’s mindset is a vital skill that will benefit students in university and beyond. The program’s rigorous nature has taught Arnold the importance of facing academic realities head-on and the consequences of neglecting responsibilities.


Advice for Future DP Students

To future DP students at UISZ, Arnold advises doing the hard work even when you don’t feel like it. The IB program is humbling; it forces students to confront the consequences of their actions. Embrace the challenges, manage your time wisely, and remember that the effort you put in now will pay off in the future.
