DSE 毕业生访谈|2024届DSE Graduate Interview 毕业生采访实录

During this year’s graduation ceremony, we had the pleasure of interviewing several parents and students to learn about their experiences at UISZ. 

Here are the highlights of the interviews:

Parents’ Interview: Reasons for Choosing UISZ


The parents shared why they chose UISZ. Initially, they visited several schools before deciding on UISZ due to its large scale, strong group background, and over twenty years of educational history. The parents expressed high satisfaction with the school and felt that their choice was correct.

Students’ Interview: Campus Life and Memorable Experiences


Luck shared his memorable experiences and favorite activities at the school. He particularly enjoyed last year’s trip to Wu Qiangzhou, which was his first time traveling with classmates and teachers for outdoor exploration and project experiences. Additionally, he highlighted the attention he received from his chemistry teacher, who would collect his exam papers, identify his weak points, and arrange regular quizzes to help him correct mistakes promptly.

Exam Preparation Tips: From DSE to High Scores


The student also shared his experience preparing for the 2024 Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) exam. He advised reading more books rather than blindly doing exercises. He mentioned that English listening and his elective subjects, Physics and Chemistry, were his strengths. By following the school’s teaching methods and self-study techniques, he achieved excellent results in the exams. He emphasized practicing methods over simply doing exercises.