UISZ is a private and independent boarding and day school without government subsidies for its daily operations. The school’s Board has established the tuition and fees schedule for the academic year to reflect the high-quality international education offered at UISZ.
Tuition & Fees
Tuition Fees 2024-2025 School Year

*The day tuition fees remain inclusive of meals, textbooks, after-school activities and a contribution towards field trips. UISZ runs two semesters per year. Fees are paid annually or by semester. The school offers a 4% discount on Tuition Fees for full-year payments in advance before May 15, 2024.
HKDSE Tuition Fees 2024-2025 School Year

Boarding Fees 2024-2025 School Year

Sibling Bursary

Parents/guardians who have two or more children in the same family, studying and enrolled concurrently at UISZ, are able to enjoy a bursary on basic Tuition Fees only (excluding transportation, boarding, and additional fees), and this bursary is only applicable to the second and subsequent children. The sibling bursary is based on the tuition fee/s for the younger child/children and offered on the provision that all payments are received before the stipulated due dates.
Transportation Fees
There is a flat rate for day students and a 3-zoned rate for five-day boarders travelling home each weekend. Please refer to the transport zone map for details. Taking school transport is optional. This levy only partially covers the total cost of transportation, which the school still subsidises. It is our strong desire to continue to offer students a comfortable, secure and safe transport system.