Community Summary丨UISZ 8th weekly summary
Community Summary丨UISZ 8th weekly summary
Community Summary丨UISZ 8th weekly summary
The Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (DSE) examination, introduced in 2012, stands as an internationally recognized standardized test highly regarded by prestigious universities worldwide. Open to candidates regardless of Hong Kong citizenship, this examination allows anyone to register and participate.
At UISZ, we provide the best possible education for our students. The IB Middle Years Programme (MYP), for students in Year 6 to 10, is designed as an inclusive programme that links clearly with our Primary Years Programme (PYP) and the Diploma Programme (DP).
The IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) for children aged 3 to 12 nurtures and develops young students as caring, active participants in a lifelong journey of learning.
Canton Cup Competition丨2024第三届“我为祖国发声思辨论坛”开启报名:附誉德莱学生福利
UISZ의 여섯째 주와 일곱째 주는 문화 행사와 활발한 학습 참여로 가득했던 멋진 주간이었습니다. 여섯 번째 주에는 중추절 축제를 위한 이틀간의 휴일이 있었습니다. 37명이 추가로 참여한 플렉시 보딩 이벤트와 평화의 날 기념 WS 축하 행사도 있었습니다. 또한 MYP 학생들이 NWEA MAP 테스트에 참여했으며, 스포츠 팀도 대회에 참가하고 경기를 주최했습니다.
刚刚过去的第六周和第七周是誉德莱增城学校精彩纷呈的两周,是充满了文化活动和积极的学习氛围的美好时光。第六周是短暂的,因为中秋节“霸占”了其中两天。即便如此,我们还是举行了参加人数达到37人的灵活住宿活动—— “庆中秋”,还有庆祝 “世界和平日 ”的 WS 活动。而且我们的 MYP 学生还参加了 NWEA MAPs 测试,我们的校队也参加和主办了一系列赛事。
Community Summary丨UISZ 6-7th weekly summary
We hope this newsletter finds you well and thriving. As we move further into this school year and into university application season it is important that both the school and parents continue to stay connected to fully support our students.
Are you exploring top-tier educational opportunities for your child? Look no further! Utahloy International School Zengcheng (UISZ) is thrilled to invite you to our Open Day, a special event designed to provide insight into our vibrant school community and innovative programs.
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