Cultivating Green Minds|Tree-Planting Adventure: 植树探险活动,培养绿色心灵

Last week marked a memorable and eco-conscious experience for our Year 3 students at UISZ. With a spirit of environmental stewardship, the young minds embarked on a special journey to the school’s new campus, combining the joy of tree planting with an explorative visit.


Planting Seeds of Sustainability

The day began with an introduction to the significance of trees in our ecosystem. Our enthusiastic Year 3 students were given the opportunity to actively participate in planting trees around the expansive grounds of the new campus. Armed with small shovels and an eagerness to contribute, the students became eco-warriors for a day, sowing the seeds of sustainability that will blossom into a greener future.


Hands-On Learning Experience

This hands-on approach not only instilled a sense of responsibility but also enhanced their understanding of environmental science in a tangible and engaging manner.

Fostering Environmental Awareness

Beyond the academic setting, this experience aimed to cultivate a deeper sense of environmental awareness in our primary students.

The Importance of Outdoor Education

Incorporating outdoor education experiences like these not only connects students with nature but also promotes teamwork, leadership, and a sense of responsibility towards the environment.


As these young minds continue to grow, so too will the seeds they planted, fostering a legacy of sustainability that extends far beyond their school years. Through such meaningful experiences, we aim to nurture not just academically successful students but responsible global citizens who value and protect the world around them.
