DSE访谈会|Join Us for the DSE Interview Event

Date 日期 & Time  时间

22 July丨7月22日

Location 地点

Guangzhou United International School (UISG)
广州誉德莱外籍人员子女学校 (UISG)
800 Sha Tai Bei Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhou)

What to Expect 访谈会亮点

Student & Parent Testimonials  学生与家长感言:

Hear firsthand experiences from our current students and their parents.

Teacher Insights 教师见解: 

Gain valuable insights from our experienced teachers.

Q&A Session 问答环节: 

Get all your questions answered during our interactive Q&A session. 

Register Now! 提前报名!

Contact Us 联系我们:  18028088722

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about our DSE program and how it can benefit your child’s education. Be sure to join us and get a comprehensive understanding of what UISZ has to offer.
