
UISZ Cup | English Speaking Competition 誉德莱杯英语比赛本周六开幕!
We warmly invite you to sign up for the UISZ Cup English Competition on June 22nd, 2024.我们热情邀请您报名参加2024年6月22日的誉德莱杯英语比赛。 Show your English ...
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DSE Information Session丨DSE讲座暨大学录取分享
我们诚挚邀请您参加将于2024年6月23日上午10:00举行的UISZ DSE信息分享会。We sincerely invite you to attend the UISZ DSE Information Session on June 23rd, 2024, at 10:00 AM. 这将是一个宝贵的机会,让我们一起分享和学习,了解更多关于孩子们的DSE课程情况。特别值得关注的是,我们将有DSE毕业生家长分享他们的真实经历和录取情况。 ...
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International Day | Celebrating a Successful Event 誉德莱国际日庆典圆满落幕
We are thrilled to announce the successful conclusion of the International Day celebration at UISZ `on June 12th! This event ...
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Community Summary丨UISZ 커뮤니티 주간 요약 – 38주차
학부모님 여러분, 학생들에게 멋진 여름 방학을 기원하며 2023-2024학년도를 마무리했습니다. 오늘 아침에는 올해 큰 성과를 거둔 학생들을 기리는 중고등학교 시상식 및 ...
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UISZ CUP Pre-Training |誉德莱杯英语比赛备战指南:直播培训系列
To help students prepare for the "誉德莱杯英语口语比赛" (UISZ Cup English Speaking Competition), we have scheduled a series of live stream ...
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Community Summary丨UISZ 커뮤니티 주간 요약 – 37주차
학부모 여러분, 이번 학년도 두 번째 주가 막 끝났고 1) 드래곤 보트 축제를 축하하는 긴 주말과 2) 축하 행사, 시상식 ...
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Speaking Competition丨Educating for the Future 誉见未来英语演讲比赛开启报名啦
We are excited to announce the UISZ English Speaking Competition titled "Educating for the Future" on June 22, 2024, from ...
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English Competition丨First UISZ Cup Youth Competition首届誉德莱杯英语演讲比赛
Event Details 比赛信息 Date 时间 June 22nd, 9:30-15:306月22日 9:30-15:30 Venue 地点 UISZ 广州增城誉德莱外籍人员子女学校 (No.99, Guofeng 1st Street, Tashan Avenue, Xiangshan ...
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Invitation | UISZ Open Day & International Day 誉德莱开放日暨国际日邀请
We warmly invite prospective parents and students to join us for a special day at UISZ, celebrating our vibrant international ...
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DSE 毕业生访谈|2024届DSE Graduate Interview 毕业生采访实录
在今年的毕业典礼上,我们有幸采访了几位家长和学生,了解他们在广州增城誉德莱国际学校的学习和生活体验。During this year's graduation ceremony, we had the pleasure of interviewing several parents and students to learn about their experiences ...
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