At UISZ, we believe the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (DP) should be accessible to any motivated student. At UISZ, we firmly believe that every motivated student should have access to the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (DP). Here, students embrace challenges while staying true to themselves.
Diploma (DP) Programme

The Complexities of Navigating Life in the 21st Century
The DP at UISZ is designed to equip students with the academic skills needed for university study, further education, and their chosen profession. But more importantly, we aim to develop good people who can adapt to a rapidly changing world and make a difference. From inside the classroom to international trips and online to on stage, students are encouraged to develop these traits through the IB Learner Profile. Our community of learners experiences the complexities of navigating life in the 21st century and, in the process, establishes the values and skills needed to live a fulfilled and purposeful life.
“Our students are prepared to be life-long learners and make an impact on the future.”

The Principles
The Programme Components
The Diploma Programme has six subject groups, with various courses within each group. Students choose one course from each subject group. Students will study three courses at the Higher Level (HL) and three at the Standard Level (SL). HL courses have a more significant time allowance and are studied in greater breadth and depth than SL courses. Similar skills are developed at both levels, especially critical thinking and analysis. All Diploma Programme students also participate in the three core requirements: Theory of Knowledge (TOK), Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS), and the Extended Essay (EE). These Core Requirements embody the principles that lie at the heart of the thinking behind the Diploma Programme.