You are cordially invited to join us for a day of inspiration and exploration at UISZ on February 29th! This special event promises a unique opportunity to delve into insightful discussions, discover innovative teaching approaches, and witness the vibrant learning environment we cultivate at UISZ.
我们诚挚地邀请您参加2月29日 UISZ举行的灵感与探索日活动!这次特别活动将为您提供一个独特的机会,让您深入探讨,发现创新的教学方法,并见证我们在UISZ营造的充满活力的学习环境。
Event Schedule 活动安排
Morning Sessions 上午体验
8:40 – 9:35
Visit homerooms 观摩课堂
9:35 – 10:00
Coffee and Snacks 咖啡和点心
10:00 – 10:45
Sebastien discusses “The Strategic Plan”
11:00 – 11:30
Explore “Design Thinking in the PYP” (Creative Space) with Ms. Valen
与 Valen 老师一起探索 “PYP 中的设计思维”(创意空间)
Mr. Jamel explores “Design Thinking”
Jame 老师探讨 “设计思维”
11:30 – 12:00
Mr. Koen talks about “Action and Agency in the PYP”
Koen 老师谈 “PYP中的行动与能动性”
Mr. Sebastien shares insights on “Grading in the MYP”
校长 Sebastien 分享 “MYP中的评分”

Lunch / Recess 午餐 / 课间休息
12:00 – 12:40
Ms. Chunping discusses “Preparing for a Successful DP”
Chunping 老师讨论 “为成功的 DP 做准备”
Mr. Freeman covers “Preparing for Successful DSE”
DSE课程主任讲述 “为成功的 DSE 做准备”

Afternoon Sessions 下午体验
12:40 – 13:35
Ms. Tara explores “Writing Development and the Writer’s Workshop Approach”
小学校长Tara 探讨 “写作发展和作家工作坊方法”
13:35 – 14:30
Ms. Lindsey discusses “Partnering for Student Well-being: Safeguarding Strategies for Parents and Schools”
Lindsey 老师讨论 “为学生的幸福而合作:家长和学校的保障策略”
14:30 – 15:30
Explore the new campus led by UISZ staff
探索UISZ 天然森林氧吧 校园

Don’t miss this opportunity to engage in valuable discussions and get a glimpse of the exciting initiatives at UISZ. We look forward to welcoming you on February 29th!
千万不要错过这次机会,参与有价值的讨论,并一睹 UISZ 令人兴奋的新举措。我们期待您的到来!