大学申请资讯 – 2024年10月丨College Counselling Newsletter October 2024

As a continued effort to keep the parent community informed about how we are supporting our senior students with university choices and applications, here is this month’s College Counselling newsletter.


Important Announcements 重要公告

UCAS Applications

The application portal for UCAS (UK application portal) is now open.
UCAS 申请网站(英国方向大学申请)现已开放。

UCAS link 链接 : https://www.ucas.com/undergraduate/applying-university/filling-your-ucas-undergraduate-application

Early Applications for Hong Kong Universities IB students

Early applications are open and need to be submitted by November.
预申请已经开始,需要在 11 月之前提交。

3. JUPAS applications JUPAS 申请

JUPAS applications for our DSE students are now open, our DSE students are working hard on completing their personal statements and will begin submitting their course preferences in the coming weeks.

4. University Visits 到访的大学

Representatives from UBC (University of British Colombia) and Les Roches Switzerland came to our campus this week to give in person talks to our senior students.
本周,英属哥伦比亚大学(UBC)和瑞士莱斯罗什大学(Les Roches Switzerland)的代表亲临我校,为高年级学生举办讲座。

Please take note of the important dates and encourage your child to prepare accordingly. All the application deadline and resources can be found at this link:

Celebrations from the Week

We successfully organized and ran our Hong Kong Universities trip at the end of last term, read here for more information about this trip: 


One-on-one meetings with IB and DSE students are ongoing to prepare their university applications. Student are completing their personal statements. For more information on what makes a good personal statement here is a helpful article:



Grade 11 IB students were delivered a lesson all about the logistics of university applications. Our students created and presented many posters about the application process of various university applications from around the world.


SAIT (Southern Albertina Institute of Technology) and NTU (Nanyang Technological University) representatives held online talks recently to engage our grade 11 and 12 students in the application process for both institutes. Offering them further exposure to the various universities available for application around the world.


CityU Hong Kong Visited our campus in person this Monday to give a very informative admissions talk to our senior students.

Guangzhou University Fair: This Monday our senior students were taken to AISG to attend the local Guangzhou university fair where there were over 150 universities from 15 different countries present. The visit offered our students the opportunity to connect with various university reps from a wide range of institutions. 

广州大学博览会: 本周一,我校高年级学生前往AISG参加了广州当地的大学展,共有来自15个不同国家的150多所大学参展。这次参观为我们的学生提供了与来自不同院校的代表交流的机会。

PTCs: Last week, Ms. Lindsey Walsh met with many of our senior students and their parents, it was a pleasure to meet with some of you, as an important part of supporting our students through the university application process is working with the whole family to help you all through an exciting but scary familial transition. UCAS offers a great support guide for parents:

PTCs:大学升学顾问Lindsey Walsh老师表示非常高兴能与许多高年级学生和他们的家长在上周进行会面,因为支持学生完成大学申请过程的一个重要部分就是与整个家庭合作,帮助学生度过这个令人兴奋但又令人担忧的家庭过渡时期。UCAS 为家长提供了一份很好的支持指南:


Coming up

The college counselling department at UISZ and UISG are working together to host a university fair focused on various Hong Kong universities to be held at our Zengcheng campus on the 25th of November. More details to follow soon….

If you would like to discuss your child’s university applications in person, please use the following link: https://calendly.com/lwalsh-ri8/30min  to book a meeting: Schedule a Meeting.
如果您想亲自讨论您孩子的大学申请,请使用以下链接:https://calendly.com/lwalsh-ri8/30min 与Lindsey Walsh老师预约会面。