Embark on Your Journey to Success| 誉德莱2024年大学暨企业展

Utahloy International School recently hosted an exceptional Career Fair on April 25th, 2024, which proved to be an enlightening and enriching experience for both students and attendees alike. With a diverse array of booths representing prominent institutions and industries, coupled with insightful panel discussions led by industry experts, the event provided invaluable insights into various career paths and strategies for success in the modern world.

誉德莱外籍人员子女学校于 2024 年 4 月 25 日举办了一场别开生面的大学及行业咨询大会。此次活动吸引了众多知名院校和行业的代表参展,并由行业专家主持了深入的小组讨论,为学生提供了在现代社会中成功就业的各种途径和策略。

Keynote Address by Dr. Tao Xu

The event kicked off with a captivating keynote address by Dr. Tao Xu, a distinguished professor at Tsinghua University and co-inventor of the world’s first 3D cell bioprinting patent. Dr. Xu’s expertise and insights set a high standard for the rest of the event, inspiring attendees with his groundbreaking work and innovative vision.


Insightful Panel Discussions

Interactive panel discussions offered a deeper dive into critical topics such as transitioning from study to work and the role of women in industry. Led by industry experts, these sessions provided practical advice, personal anecdotes, and thought-provoking discussions that resonated with students navigating their career journeys. The panels fostered a dynamic exchange of ideas and perspectives, empowering attendees with knowledge and inspiration to thrive in the 21st century workforce.

主题论坛讨论深入探讨了从学习到工作的过渡以及女性在行业中的作用等重要话题。在行业专家的带领下,这些会议提供了实用的建议、个人轶事和发人深省的讨论,引起了正在经历职业生涯的学生们的共鸣。小组讨论促进了思想和观点的活跃交流,为与会者提供了知识和灵感,使他们能够在 21 世纪的职场中茁壮成长。

Booths Representing Leading Institutions and Industries

The Career Fair featured a diverse range of booths, each offering unique perspectives and opportunities for students to explore. From Tsinghua University China to Japan Airlines, Rolex to Sun Yat-Sen University, attendees had the chance to interact directly with representatives from prestigious institutions and leading companies. Whether it was learning about academic programs, career opportunities, or industry insights, the booths provided valuable resources for students to plan their future paths.
