National Calligraphy and Painting Competition丨誉德莱学子在全国书画大赛喜获佳绩

National Calligraphy and Painting Competition丨誉德莱学子在全国书画大赛喜获佳绩

In the midst of this vibrant summer, Utahloy International School in Guangzhou and Zengcheng are celebrating a bountiful harvest on our campuses. We are delighted to announce the outstanding results of our students in the 7th ‘Hope Song’ National Calligraphy and Painting Competition.

在这个生机勃勃的夏天,誉德莱外籍人员子女学校迎来了丰收的季节。我们很高兴地宣布,两个校区的学生在第七届 “希望颂 “全国书画大赛中取得了优异成绩。

 The ‘Hope Song’ National Calligraphy and Painting Competition is a prestigious event organized by the Chinese International Calligraphy and Painting Art Research Society. It aims to discover and nurture talented young artists through the ‘National Youth Calligraphy and Painting Art Hope Project.’ This competition has been recognized by the Ministry of Education and is renowned for its authority, professionalism, and public welfare contribution among national youth calligraphy and painting events.

“希望颂 “全国书画大赛是由中国国际书画艺术研究会主办的一项权威赛事。它旨在通过’全国青少年书画艺术希望工程’发现和培养有才华的青少年艺术家。本次大赛得到了教育部的认可,在全国青少年书画赛事中以权威性、专业性和公益性著称。

After a rigorous process of submissions and expert evaluations, our students have excelled among more than 620,000 nationwide entries. Out of 59 remarkable artworks submitted, our school has achieved remarkable success in the 7th ‘Hope Song’ National Calligraphy and Painting Competition.

经过严格的作品征集和专家评审,我校学生在全国 62 万余件参赛作品中脱颖而出。在 59 幅优秀作品中,我校在第七届 “希望颂 “全国青少年书画大赛中取得了骄人的成绩。

The results are as follows: 15 first prizes at the national level (3 in the primary school junior division, 5 in the primary school senior division, 4 in the middle school division, and 3 in the high school division); 18 second prizes at the national level (10 in the primary school junior division, 2 in the primary school senior division, 4 in the middle school division, and 2 in the high school division); and 23 third prizes at the national level (13 in the primary school junior division, 3 in the middle school division, and 7 in the high school division).

成绩如下:全国一等奖 15 幅(小学低年级组 3 幅、小学高年级组 5 幅、初中组 4 幅、高中组 3 幅);全国二等奖 18 幅(小学低年级组 10 幅、小学高年级组 2 幅、初中组 4 幅、高中组 2 幅);全国三等奖 23 幅(小学低年级组 13 幅、初中组 3 幅、高中组 7 幅)。

Additionally, our school is proud to have secured one of the 7 coveted special prizes awarded nationwide. Both our Guangzhou and Zengcheng campuses each earned a special prize, a testament to our students’ exceptional talent and dedication. 

此外,我校还荣幸地获得了全国 7 个梦寐以求的特别奖之一。我校广州校区和增城校区各获得一个特等奖,这充分证明了我校学生的卓越才能和造诣。

National Calligraphy and Painting Competition丨誉德莱学子在全国书画大赛喜获佳绩

We attribute these impressive achievements to our students’ passion for art and their unwavering commitment to their craft, as well as the invaluable guidance provided by our esteemed mentors. At Utahloy International School, the spirit of artistic exploration and an inclusive learning environment allow the sparks of creativity to flourish on our campus. This competition reaffirms that every child possesses innate artistic potential, capable of breathing life into lines and creating a world filled with imagination.


Our school’s vision of fostering Explore, Adapt, and Impact has played a vital role in our students’ ability to create captivating works of art, contributing to the dissemination of calligraphy and painting culture.


National Calligraphy and Painting Competition丨誉德莱学子在全国书画大赛喜获佳绩
National Calligraphy and Painting Competition丨誉德莱学子在全国书画大赛喜获佳绩