UISZ Event

UISZ Admission Launch 2023-2024

We are excited to invite you to our international school Admission Launch event, which will be held on March 4th at 10:00 am at our school.

UISZ Market Day Reviews (Feb 2023)

UISZ Market day can help students learn about the basics of economics and business, such as supply and demand, marketing, sales, and profit. This can be particularly useful for students who are interested in pursuing careers in business or entrepreneurship in the future.

UISZ 1st Semester Review (2022-2023)

Looking forward, there are challenges ahead of us, like always. However, I can say with confidence that although difficult. UPAZ can still function well enough to serve the community. Over the past couple of years, UPAZ and the school leadership have honed skills to deal with situations like this.

ALUMNI STORY| Jessica Kang: 领导力,社交,运动的全能型精英,榜样的力量!

Jessica graduated from UISZ in 2020 as Valedictorian and is currently pursuing an Engineering degree at Seoul National University in South Korea. She has previously worked as a School Captain at UISZ 2019/20. Jessica has extensive experience in running student societies, having served as Secretary General for two years at UISZ, sat on the Student …

ALUMNI STORY| Jessica Kang: 领导力,社交,运动的全能型精英,榜样的力量! 더 보기 »

2022-2023 ‘Your World’ Competition | 全球学生视频竞赛报名啦!

Show your talent in British Council Global Video Competition – Your World 英国文化教育协会 “Your World” 视频全球竞赛期待你的加入 UISZ are excited to invite you to participate in the global British Council Partner Schools video competition – Your World. 增城誉德莱诚邀各位参加由英国文化教育协会主办的”Your World” 视频全球竞赛, 和世界各地的联盟成员学校学子同台竞技。 The Your World video competition is a global flagship activity for all British Council Partner Schools, Your World’ …

2022-2023 ‘Your World’ Competition | 全球学生视频竞赛报名啦! 더 보기 »


At UISZ, engaging our students in tasks and activities outside of the classroom, is a key part of our aim to educate the whole person. These activities are focused on helping each student to reach their potential intellectually, academically, socially, physically and emotionally.

A Message from UISZ (Nov 2022)

We are deeply saddened to hear about the tragedy that unfolded in Seoul, South Korea. We would like to extend our sympathy to all our Korean families and those affected.