UISZ has recently been officially accredited by the British Council (Apr 2023)

RECOGNITION | 誉德莱荣获雅思官方BC权威认证: 英国文化教育协会雅思示范中学


UISZ has recently been officially accredited by the British Council (Apr 2023)

Utahloy International School Zengcheng has recently been officially accredited by the British Council as a British Council-IELTS Model Secondary School.
广州增城譽德萊外籍人员子女学校被英国文化教育协会British Council官方认证为【英国文化教育协会-雅思示范中学】。

UISZ has recently been officially accredited by the British Council (Apr 2023)
UISZ has recently been officially accredited by the British Council (Apr 2023)

IELTS has become the world’s most popular test of English language proficiency for higher education and immigration purposes and is recognized by over 11,000 educational institutions, employers, professional associations and government departments in more than 140 countries and territories, including the UK, USA, Canada, Australia and study destinations in Europe and South East Asia, with over three million people taking the test each year.


From a solid foundation in Y10 Integrated English Language Teaching to a solid study in Y11 advanced English training, UISZ will launched group class, limited class and private class for Y8-Y11 students. We aim to help them in pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, listening, reading and writing, and have mastered various practical examination skills.


IELTS teachers
Freeman Kwong

UISZ has recently been officially accredited by the British Council (Apr 2023)
UISZ has recently been officially accredited by the British Council (Apr 2023)

Mr Freeman Kwong Obtained Master’s degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages in the University of Hong Kong. He has passed the National Teacher Certification Examination and IELTS official teachers Certification. He has IELTS band 8; band 8.5 in both Listening and Reading. He had taught English for more than 5 years, including general English, IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge English.

Freeman老师毕业于香港大学,對外英語教育硕士。拥有高级中学英语教师资格证,官方雅思培訓師。雅思8分,听读8.5 分。5年英语教学经验,包括日常英语,雅思,托福,剑桥英语。

UISZ has recently been officially accredited by the British Council (Apr 2023)
UISZ has recently been officially accredited by the British Council (Apr 2023)
UISZ has recently been officially accredited by the British Council (Apr 2023)
UISZ has recently been officially accredited by the British Council (Apr 2023)

Harper Gao     

UISZ has recently been officially accredited by the British Council (Apr 2023)

Harper Gao holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Shanghai International Studies University as well as the certificates of TEM8 and Advanced English Interpretation. During the early phase of Covid-19 epidemic in WuHan, Harper actively participated in the volunteer translation service and was praised by CCTV. Also she has a certificate of Harvard Management Mentor, equipping herself with useful management skills such as time management, goal setting and coaching.


UISZ has recently been officially accredited by the British Council (Apr 2023)
UISZ has recently been officially accredited by the British Council (Apr 2023)

IELTS Training Camp is available now! 

It opens to Y8-Y11 current UISZ students and students from other institutions. 

目前对本校以及校外 八年级到十年级的学生开放申请. 

Day trips to HK universities for exchange and college counselor training are provided. 


We will organize IELTS examination at the end. 


名额有限 预报从速!

Limited seats only! 

UISZ has recently been officially accredited by the British Council (Apr 2023)
UISZ has recently been officially accredited by the British Council (Apr 2023)
UISZ has recently been officially accredited by the British Council (Apr 2023)
UISZ has recently been officially accredited by the British Council (Apr 2023)
UISZ has recently been officially accredited by the British Council (Apr 2023)