UISZ Event

Celebrating Success|UISZ Graduation Ceremony 我们毕业啦!

In a celebration of achievement and promise, UISZ held its graduation ceremony at the prestigious Art Institute Orient, marking a significant milestone for both Diploma Programme (DP) and Diploma of Secondary Education (DSE) graduates. The event, attended by proud families, dedicated faculty, and distinguished guests, was a testament to the hard work, dedication, and resilience of the students.

Community Summary丨UISZ 36th weekly summary


Community Summary丨誉德莱增城第三十五周周报

我们即将迎来本学年的一件大事——高三毕业典礼。在这个星期天(5月26 日),我们将在东方荟萃艺术学院为高年级学生践行,并祝愿他们一路顺风。届时将有毕业生家长、老师们、誉德莱教育集团董事会成员和贵宾出席。

Offer Voice |Arnold’s Journey with the IB:博学而谦逊,常怀敬畏之心

Arnold has spent a significant portion of his education immersed in the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. His early education included time in Switzerland and a year in Singapore. These experiences have seasoned him in embracing new cultures, and his time in the Diploma Programme (DP) has been a particularly humbling and educational journey.

Community Summary丨誉德莱增城第三十四周周报


Community Summary丨誉德莱增城第三十三周周报

我们与同学们在焕然一新的 UISZ 度过了美好的一周,我们的小学生使用了中学教学楼的一楼。同学们的应变能力和中学部同学们积极热情的态度给我们留下了深刻的印象。

Community Summary丨誉德莱增城第三十二 周周报
