UISZ Event

Community Summary丨誉德莱增城第三十周周报

我们在UISZ度过了充实的为期一周的生活和学习时光, 这是“全课堂”的一周,好为下周的两个重要活动做好充分的准备。首先,在4月24日,我们将在一年一度的“生态教育日”一起歌颂我们的地球母亲。

DSE Examination丨祝誉德莱首届DSE毕业生考试顺利

The students of DSE class met the challenge of this examination with full enthusiasm and firm belief. Supported by the amenities provided by UIS Group, including accommodation, study rooms, and constant teacher guidance throughout, they faced the exam with fortified spirits. They showed perseverance and continuous improvement during the preparation for the exam, striving forward for their dreams.

Community Summary丨誉德莱增城第二十九周周报


Talent Show|UISZ Got Talents : 才艺表演 秀翻全场

The Talent Show at UISZ on March 27th was a captivating event that celebrated the diverse talents of our school community. From singers to bands, taekwondo, each performance showcased the creativity and skill of our students, faculty, and staff.