UISZ Event

Community Summary丨誉德莱增城第二十七周周报

We want to thank all parents and students for their presence today on campus and the constructive discussions held on academics and well-being matters.  Constructive home-school partnership is key to success, and we are confident that today’s parents-students-teachers conferences will help everyone, especially on this last stretch to the end of this academic year. 

SCIMUN 2024丨UISZ模拟联合国再创佳绩

In the heart of Southern China, amidst the bustling city of Guangdong, a beacon of intellectual discourse and diplomacy shone bright as the Southern China International Model United Nations (SCIMUN) 2024 unfolded its grandeur.

Community Summary丨誉德莱增城第二十六周周报


Community Summary丨誉德莱增城第二十五周周报

我们进入了三月份,几乎和度过上个月的方式一样——高速运转!在过去的一周里,我们10年级的同学们展示了他们的MYP个人项目,他们的热情和研究能力毋庸置疑。本周早些时候,这个班的同学还完成了他们的 IB MYP 模拟考。