UISGの制服は、国際色豊かで多様性に富んだ生徒たちに、誇りと地域社会のアイデンティティを与えるものです。UISGの制服は実用的で着心地がよく、以下の生徒が着用しています。 幼稚園 まで Year 10. Senior students in Years 11 and 12 follow a smart/casual business dress code to prepare them for their upcoming tertiary journey.

New Families – First Time Appointments
New families are advised to visit the Uniform Shop with their child(ren) for their initial uniform fitting and purchase.
The School Uniform Shop, located at our campus, stocks all uniform items. Uniforms can be purchased at the Uniform Shop in cash or via the Online E-Shop via WeChat (see QR code below). Items ordered online can be collected from the Uniform Shop or delivered to your child’s classroom (only for families with children already in UISG).