College Counselling Newsletter September 2024丨大学申请资讯 – 2024年9月

Dear UISZ Families,

亲爱的 UISZ 家长朋友们,

We hope this newsletter finds you well and thriving. As we move further into this school year and into university application season it is important that both the school and parents continue to stay connected to fully support our students.


Important Announcements

1. Hong Universities Tour

On September 27th, some of our DSE and IB students will embark on a day trip to Hong Kong. They will visit Hong Kong University and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology for a tour of their campuses and an admissions talk.

9月27日,我校部分 DSE 和 IB 学生将前往香港。他们将参观香港大学和香港科技大学的校园并参加招生讲座。

2. UCAS Applications

The application portal for UCAS (UK application portal) is now open. 

UCAS link:
UCAS 申请网站(英国方向大学申请)现已开放。

3. Early Applications for Hong Kong Universities

These will begin next week and need to be submitted by November.
这些申请将于下周开始,需要在 11 月前提交。

4. Unifrog International University Fair
Unifrog 国际大学展

Unifrog International University Fair will be screened next Thursday afternoon 26th September for grade 11 and 12 students, they will be giving a workshop “How to ace your personal statement” along with other important application topics – students and families can sign up here: attend other relevant workshops.

Unifrog 国际大学展将于9 月 26 日(下周四)下午为11 年级和12 年级的学生放映,他们将举办  “如何在个人陈述中取得优异成绩 ” 研讨会,以及其他重要的申请主题–学生和家庭可在此:  报名参加其他相关研讨会。

5. Upcoming Visits

After the October break, we will welcome representatives from NTU (Nanyang Technological University), CityU, SAIT (Southern Albertina Institute of Technology Canada) and Les Roches Switzerland.

十月假期结束后,我们将迎来来自南洋理工大学(NTU)、城市大学(CityU)、加拿大南阿尔贝蒂娜理工学院(SAIT)和瑞士莱斯罗什大学(Les Roches)的代表。

Please take note of these important dates and encourage your child to prepare accordingly. All the application deadline and resources can be found at this link:


Celebrations from the Week

  • We successfully held a Hong Kong Applications presentation for our IB students.我们成功地为国际文凭(IB)学生举办了一次香港申请推介会。
  • One-on-one meetings with IB and DSE students are ongoing to prepare their university applications.正在与 IB 和 DSE 学生进行一对一会谈,为他们的大学申请做准备。
  • We have integrated the Unifrog college counseling tool into our university preparation sessions, enhancing our students’ application processes.我们已将 Unifrog 大学咨询工具整合到我们的大学准备课程中,加强了学生的申请过程。
  • University of Arts London (UAL) representatives visited recently to engage our grade 11 and 12 Design and Art students, showcasing the diverse degrees available at UAL, from Fine Arts to Fashion Business and Design.伦敦艺术大学(UAL)的代表最近访问了我校,与11年级和12年级的设计与艺术专业学生进行了交流,展示了 UAL 提供的从美术到时尚商业与设计的各种学位。
  • This month, we also welcomed a visit from the University of Calgary in Canada, where students learned about the varied opportunities for international students, including business degrees, psychology, and history majors.本月,我们还迎来了加拿大卡尔加里大学的来访,学生们在那里了解了国际学生的各种机会,包括商业学位、心理学和历史专业。
  • As the school counselor I recently completed THE Counselor Accreditation Programme, which will allow me the ability to provide relevant and up to date college guidance and advice to students on their next steps after graduating from high school.作为学校升学辅导员,我最近完成了 “辅导员资格认证计划”,这将使我有能力为学生在高中毕业后的下一步学习提供最新的大学指导和建议。

Additional Information

As we approach the application deadlines, it is crucial for students to work on their personal statements and finalize their application lists over the next few weeks. We encourage all families to support their children during this important time.


If you would like to discuss your child’s university applications in person, please use the following link to book a meeting:


Warm regards,

Ms. Lindsey Walsh
Wellbeing and College Counsellor