UISZ Student Leadership | School Captains: 誉德莱学生领袖团队介绍

We are thrilled to unveil the incredible individuals who will be leading our school with passion, dedication, and talent. After an intense and inspiring election process, we proudly present our elected leaders:


Our School Captains will embody the spirit of unity, leadership, and service. Janet and Chan will spearhead initiatives, represent the student body, and strive to make our school an even better place for everyone.


UISZ Student Leadership | School Captains: 誉德莱学生领袖团队介绍

Athletic prowess combined with leadership skills define our Sport Captain. Jerry will rally our teams, foster sportsmanship, and promote physical well-being within our school community.


UISZ Student Leadership | School Captains: 誉德莱学生领袖团队介绍

Creativity, vision, and artistic flair make our Art Captain stand out. Sandy will inspire artistic endeavors, celebrate creativity, and bring art to life within our school.


UISZ Student Leadership | School Captains: 誉德莱学生领袖团队介绍

As the School Service Captain, Kinneth Lin will play a pivotal role in fostering a culture of service and collaboration within our school. Kinneth Lin’s enthusiasm and passion for helping others are truly commendable.

作为学校服务队长,Kinneth Lin 将在促进学校服务和协作文化方面发挥关键作用。Kinneth帮助他人的热情和激情确实值得称赞。

Each of these leaders has shown exceptional qualities and dedication, earning the trust and support of their fellow students.


Congratulations to our newly elected leaders!
