DSE 录取喜报 |誉德莱2024届DSE毕业生录取通知书更新

Congratulations to our UISZ students for their outstanding performance in the 2024 DSE exams, earning them offers from several prestigious universities around the world! These universities include:

英国 UK

– 诺丁汉大学
University of Nottingham

– 曼彻斯特大学
University of Manchester

– 利兹大学
University of Leeds

澳大利亚 Australia

– 墨尔本大学
University of Melbourne

台湾 Taiwan

– 中国台湾国立台湾大学
National Taiwan University in Chinese Taiwan 

– 中国台湾成功大学
National Cheng Kung University in Chinese Taiwan 


We are incredibly proud of each of our students! These admissions not only reflect their hard work and determination but also highlight UISZ’s excellence in education and comprehensive development programs.

We look forward to seeing them achieve even more in their academic journeys !