Earth Day | Celebrating Sustainability 保护地球 守护家园

EcoEarth Day at the new UISZ campus was a vibrant and multifaceted celebration of environmental awareness, featuring a variety of student performances, booths, and a standout fashion show using recyclable materials. This event brought together the entire UISZ community, including parents, students, and staff, in a collective effort to promote sustainability and eco-friendly practices.

UISZ新校区的生态地球日是一次充满活力的、多层面的环保意识庆祝活动,包括各种学生表演、展台和一场使用可回收材料的时装秀。此次活动汇聚了包括家长、学生和教职员工在内的整个 UISZ 社区,共同致力于促进可持续发展和环保实践。

Fashion Show 时装秀

The highlight of the day was the innovative fashion show where students showcased their creativity by designing and modeling outfits made entirely from recyclable materials.

Student Performances 学生表演

In addition to the fashion show, students put on a series of performances that celebrated the theme of sustainability.

Interactive Booths 互动展台

Throughout the event, various booths were set up around the venue, each offering interactive and educational experiences related to sustainability

Community Engagement 社区参与

The event fostered a strong sense of community, with parents, students, and staff all actively participating. The collaborative spirit of EcoEarth Day was evident as attendees worked together on various projects and activities.

活动培养了强烈的社区意识,家长、学生和教职员工都积极参与其中,鼓励每个人采取直接行动改善当地环境。生态地球日 “的合作精神在与会者共同参与各种项目和活动时体现得淋漓尽致。

UISZ Open Day