Academic Calendar

UISZ NEWS丨1st Weekly Summary 周报

Dear parents, students and friends of UISZ, 

Welcome to another year at UISZ AND warm welcome to our new families!  The first week of school has come to an end, and we add say on a very good note. A few moments ago, students and staff resumed the tradition of the Friday morning farewell before going home for the weekend…or staying over for 7-day boarders.   


We were extremely happy, and privileged, to see our returning students, and also to greet our new students and teachers who will surely bring new ideas and projects to our programmes.   


We first welcomed our new families last Sunday so that our newcomers could discover their classrooms and new learning space with more intimacy.  Parents, students and boarders enjoyed a succulent barbecue organized by our canteen staff.  


The first day of school was extremely successful.  Students met their Homeroom teacher/Advisor and two assemblies took place: one with their heads of section and the last one with their respective house.  The latter was particularly enjoyable since each house had to invent and perform their own house chant. 


The week ended with the usual adjustments that mark the first days of school (timetable, class, room changes, etc) 
这一周以开学前的常规调整结束 (课程表、班级、调整房间等) 。 

It was truly great first week to kick off a year that looks grand. 

The events ahead are the following 

This marks the end of our first Community Summary of the 2022-2023 school year.  You will receive similar communications every week via this WeChat account, this time accompanied with collaborations from the PYP, MYP, DP, Sports and Boarding. 


Meanwhile, we wish a restful weekend to everyone! 

Warmest wishes,  

UISZ School & Boarding Community   
增城誉德莱外籍人员子女学校 & 寄宿大家庭