Dr. Daniel Mullen | Head of School 校长
Dear UISG Families,
Welcome back after our New Year’s break!
As we wrap up a vibrant first week, I’m excited about the semester ahead. Next week brings the start of the setup for our Chinese New Year’s Celebrations, with art and culture throughout the campus. This is an exciting time, celebrating the rich history and culture of our host country.
In exciting news, our basketball team is heading to Hong Kong for the ACAMIS Tournament, while our MUN delegation will represent UISG at the UNESCO Conference at UISZ throughout the weekend. These events highlight our students’ diverse talents and global engagement. Thank you for your continued support, and here’s to another great week at UISG!
Yours in Education,
Dr. Daniel Mullen
Head of School
Primary Friday Assembly
January 10, 2025

令人兴奋的是,我们的篮球队将前往香港参加ACAMIS锦标赛,而我们的MUN代表团将代表UISG参加下周末在 UISZ举行的联合国教科文组织会议( UNESCO )。这些活动突出了我们学生的多元化才能和全球参与度。感谢你们一直以来的支持,期待UISG又一个美好的一周!
Dr. Daniel Mullen

Chantelle Parsons | Head of Primary 小学校长
Friday January 10th
Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderfully relaxing holiday and are ready for 2025.
We have had an excellent start to semester 2, welcoming many new families to UISG and we are especially excited about the opening of our K class. Thank you so much to Anne-Catherine, Ashley, Eling and Jai for making it happen.

Class Parent Reps
We are currently looking for a class parent representative for the following homerooms:
- KR
- K2Y
- Y1R
- Y4R
- Y5Y
This role is vital in supporting our parents and facilitating communication between the school and home. If you are interested in being the parent representative, please let the Primary Office (primaryschooloffice@uisgz.org) know by next Friday. Your involvement would be greatly appreciated!
ECAs January 15th
Please note that there will be no after-school ECA and Athletics Program on Wednesday, January 15, 2025, due to the Chinese New Year Celebration program for all UISG faculty. All students will be dismissed at 3:20 PM. After-school activities will continue as normal on Thursday, January 16.
CNY Music Festival

A reminder that our music festival is coming up next week and parents are invited to join us. So far 150 parents have signed up, we can’t wait to see you all singing and celebrating with us.
Parent Workshops
Our January workshop is ready for sign up, this is targeted at Early Years parents:
Workshop Title: Play Schema
Workshop Leader: Jai Roa
Date change: 23.01.2024
Time: 2:15 – 3:15 pm
Location change: Lecture Theatre
Intended Audience: UNC and Early Years Parents
Description: This interactive session is designed to celebrate the concept of schema and its important role in enhancing children’s learning. We will discover effective ways to provide support and thoughtfully consider whether specific behaviors should be viewed as opportunities for growth rather than challenges.

Events Coming Up
- January 15 – No ECAs
- January 17 – CNY music festival
- January 23 – Parent Workshop: Play Schema
- January 24 – Wear red, Chinese tradition clothing or something to do with a snake on Friday!
- January 24 – Last day (finish normal time, 3:20pm)
1 月 10 日,星期五
新年快乐!希望大家都度过了一个愉快轻松的假期,并为 2025 年整装待发。
第二学期顺利开始,欢迎许多新家庭加入了 UISG, K 班的开学尤其激动人心。非常感谢 Anne-Catherine、Ashley、Eling 和 Jai 使得K成功开班。

- KR
- K2Y
- Y1R
- Y4R
- Y5Y
请注意,由于 UISG 所有教职员工将举办农历新年庆祝活动,2025年1月15日星期三将不举办课后 ECA 和体育活动。所有学生将于下午3:20放学。1月16日星期四,课后活动将照常进行。

研讨会名称: 游戏图式
研讨会主讲人: Jai Roa
日期更改: 23.01.2024
时间: 2:15 – 3:15 pm
地点更改: Lecture Theatre 演讲厅
目标听众: UNC 早教中心和幼儿年级家长

- 1 月 15 日 – 无 ECA课后活动
- 1 月 17 日 – 中国新年音乐节
- 1 月 23 日 – 家长研讨会:游戏图式
- 1 月 24 日–星期五穿红色、中国传统服装或与蛇有关的衣服!
- 1 月 24 日 – 最后一天(平常时间放学,下午 3:20)

Martin Grist | Head of Secondary 代理中学校长
13 – 17 Jan (Week 20A)
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome to 2025 at UISG, and a warm welcome to the new families that have joined us this Semester. It can be challenging for students and families to make that transition partway through the year, and I would like to thank the student buddies, the counsellor, the homeroom teachers and the Heads of Year for helping with the transition. For new parents, if you have not been in contact with the UPTA, please do reach out to them as they are a great resource for supporting yourselves and your children with the transition.
Student Council

The Secondary student council led an assembly this week, as a way of introducing themselves and their roles, and giving them the chance to set out some of their goals for the year.
The same assembly also had the House Captains lead an activity and pave the way for the new 2025 House Captains

Parent Sessions家长信息会
- January 24 – Secondary Parent Coffee Morning – focus on maths
- February 28 – Secondary Parent Coffee Morning – focus to be confirmed
We hope you are able to join us for the ones that are relevant to your child.
Events Coming Up
- January 7 – 24 – Year 12 mock exams
- January 16-18 – U2NESCO MUN event @UISZ
- January 16-18 – ACAMIS basketball
- January 21st – Chinese New Year celebration assembly – students are encouraged to wear red of Chinese celebration
- January 25 – February 9 – Chinese New Year Holiday
- February 12 – 14 – Year 10 MYP eAssessment mock exams
欢迎来到UISG 2025年,并热烈欢迎本学期加入我们的新家庭。对于学生和家庭来说,在这一年的中途转学过渡可能是一个挑战,我想感谢学生伙伴、辅导员、班主任和年级级长的帮助。新父母如果还没有与UPTA联系过,请联系他们,因为他们是一个很好的资源,可以帮助您和孩子顺利适应新环境。
1月16日至18日— 模拟联合国U2NESCO MUN活动@UISZ
2月12日至14日- 10年级MYP评估模拟考试