As you work through the online application, our Admissions Office is available and delighted to answer any questions you have about the admissions process or UISG. If you have any questions or technical difficulties, you can contact us via email at , or you can call us at (+86) 020 8720 0517.
Below we’ve prepared a list of responses to our most frequently asked application questions to help support your family.
Application FAQ’s
Please see below for a list of important new contacts to help you as you prepare to join the UISG community. An exhaustive list of contact information for UISG staff is available in the Parent-Student Handbook.
Department / Position |
Contact |
CANTEEN | General Inquiries | | |
– Canteen Manager | Eva Guo | | |
ADMISSIONS | General Inquiries | | |
FINANCE | General Inquiries | | |
– Finance Manager | Terry Wong | | |
– PA to Head of School | Fion Hu | | |
– PA to Head of Secondary | Fancy Zou | | |
– PA to Head of Primary | Livy Xie | | |
– Admin Assistant | Suki Zhou | | |
– Assistant IT Manager | Gavin Chen | | |
– Administration Manager | Letitia Lin | | |
UPTA | Utahloy Parent Teacher Association | | |
UISG E-Shop | |
UISG is fortunate to have a parent organization called the Utahloy Parent Teacher Association (UPTA). Founded in 2006, the UPTA is run by a team of members representing a variety of nationalities, cultures, and language backgrounds within the school community.
- Provides a communication channel between the parent community and the school.
- Plans and coordinates fund raising events through which parents can meet teachers, other parents and understand the school better.
- Organizes events and social, culture sharing and education activities for the school community.
- Raises funds to support charities, to provide fun and future activities to UISG Students and improve the school environment.
- Organizers 4 annual meetings between all parents and the UISG leadership team.
All parents and teachers of UISG are automatically members of the UPTA. The UPTA is excited about helping support new families and their transition to the UISG community. Feel free contact representatives to know more by email:
The purpose of the Parent-Student Handbook is to provide parents and students with general information about UISG including details on rules and policies, students code of conduct, contact information, school structures and procedures, parent and student agreements. We encourage Parents and Students to read this document carefully and should you have any questions please direct them to the Primary or Secondary School office.
UISG uses a variety of tools to facilitate communication between Parents, Teachers, and School Administrators.
- ManageBac is the leading online learning platform for IB world schools. ManageBac facilitates communication of school curriculum planning, assessment and reporting. Prior to the first day of school, parents will receive a notification email about their ManageBac account creation at the email address provided during the enrollment process.
- ManageBac is considered the official communication channel between the Primary and Secondary Offices and parents. We highly recommend all parents ensure that they have access to, and are regularly checking, ManageBac to ensure they do not miss any important school announcements.
- The UISG ManageBac login portal can be found at or can be accessed using the ManageBac Mobile App.
- Parents are asked to submit all attendance excusal notifications through ManageBac if their child will be absent from school.
- For helpful tutorials on how to use ManageBac as a parent, please visit this site: Navigating ManageBac as a Parent or view the links below
The SchoolsBuddy App is used at UISG to help manage student extra-curricular activities and bus arrangements. Please follow the links below to download the mobile app for your phone. You can also access the system through a web browser here:
Additional tutorial information will be shared by Activities and Busing Offices.
Prior to the first day of school, parents will receive a notification email about their SchoolsBuddy account creation at the email address provided during the enrollment process. Please download the app in advance:
- Apple App Store, please download it from the Apple APP Store :
- APK Link, please copy-paste the link to your cellphone webpage browser and download the APP. (Please do not use WeChat to open it): - UISG Web page:
Schoolsbuddy Parent Guide
– Download
AOC Registration
Transport Change Requests
UISG departments utilize WeChat to support our daily operations in several ways.
- Our Official WeChat channels share updates and information on general school activities and connects parents to our Uniform e-shop and Canteen Ordering systems.
- For students using UISG Bus Services, parents are provided access to a WeChat group that connects them to their child’s bus supervisor for updates on important transportation updates.
- UISG parents and the UPTA maintain year level WeChat groups to facilitate communication between year level parents. These groups are not UISG administered and will only be by the school in case of sharing emergency information.
- WeChat groups may be set up by UISG staff to support student participation and communication in various student activities and events.
- Please note that WeChat is not appropriate for direct communication with Teachers regarding your child. Please use ManageBac or Email.
Follow our Official UISG WeChat:

UISG support departments such as the Admissions, Finance, and School Bus Offices will utilize email as the primary communication tool with parents. We require that all parents ensure that the school is aware of their up-to-date contact information and respond to all school communications in a timely manner to support their family’s continued enrollment.
Classroom teachers and academic offices may also contact parents via email if necessary and will respond to parent email requests in a timely manner.
A complete list of UISG staff email addresses can be found in the Parent-Student Handbook.
The UISG canteen supplies an international variety of nutritious and tasty meals. The canteen is supporting the school wide ‘fit for life’ programme by providing the highest standards of nutrition and hygiene. All food is prepared fresh daily in the canteen. Meals available daily include a hot buffet, sandwiches, salads and snacks. Vegetarian options are available. The canteen is open daily at recess (for Secondary students) and at lunch. It is not open for students in between lessons.
The canteen menu provides a variety of healthy and nutritious foods. We can accommodate a range of dietary requirements (e.g. allergies to dairy, vegetarian). Please ensure that all relevant information is provided to your child’s homeroom teacher.
The menus for all students are shared with parents every week.
- Daily lunch and snack costs are included in tuition fees and will be brought to students in the classroom daily.
- Parents can pre-order lunch from the school canteen or send lunch from home. Parents are encouraged to pre-pay for canteen fees in advance of each semester. Please contact our Finance Office ( to pay for canteen fees.
- Review the K3-Y2 Ordering Meals Guideline for details on how to pre-order lunch using our online ordering system each week.
- *Note: the online ordering system option will not be available until a few days before the start of the semester.
- Students are permitted to choose and purchase their own lunches from the canteen or bring lunch from home.
- Students pay for lunch using their Student ID card and are responsible for ensuring there is enough credit in their account to cover the cost of lunch orders. Students can check their account balance in the canteen.
- Canteen Account Top-up Guidelines
Review these Frequently Asked Canteen Questions for further details on our canteen program and procedures.
Sample Menus:

Packed lunch
Your child may bring in a healthy lunch from home to eat at school. Microwaves are available for hot lunches for Y3-Y12 only. There are refrigerators available for students in K-Y6 to store their lunches. Heating appliances or hot water are not available for K-Y2 students.
For any food service inquiries, please contact our Canteen:
UISG provides all textbooks and most school supplies as part of the school program. Supplies and items listed below are required from home and should be prepared for the first day of school. Heads of School will provide more details on these items in their welcome letters prior to the start of school.
Early Years (K-K3)
- School Bag – Each child requires a good size backpack, big enough to hold the UISG A4 plastic folder (24cmX34cm/10inX14in) and artwork. Please mark the school bag (inside or at the back where it is not noticeable for security reasons) the following things:
- Name:
- Class:
- Teacher:
- Bus No (if applicable):
- Refillable Water Bottle
- Healthy Snack (optional) – Morning and afternoon snacks will be provided by the school. Parents can send additional healthy snacks as needed.
- Lunch (if not ordering canteen lunch)
- School Uniform
- Hat (a requirement for outdoor play)
- Indoor shoes and extra socks
- A spare set of casual clothes – T-shirt, shorts/skirt/dress, underwear and a pair of socks labelled in a plastic bag that will be kept in the classroom in case of emergency.
Primary (Year 1- Year 5)
- School Bag – Each child requires a backpack large enough to hold 2 or 3 A4 folders (24cmX34cm/10inX14in), and items listed below. Please mark all student property with their name in English and homeroom. Bags on wheels are not recommended as they are bulky to store in homerooms, difficult to get on and off the school bus and they can be dangerous for students to carry on stairs.
- School Uniform including appropriate shoes
- Healthy snack
- Water bottle
- Hat (a requirement for outdoor play)
- Lunch (if not ordering a canteen lunch)
- Umbrella and raincoat
- Y3-Y4 iPad and charger
- Y5 MacBook and charger
Secondary (Year 6 – Year 12)
- School Bag – each child requires a backpack large enough to hold their laptop, 2 to 3 folders (24cmX34cm/10inX14in), library books and items listed below. Please mark all student property with their name in English and homeroom.
- School Uniform including appropriate shoes
- Healthy snack (also available for purchase)
- Water bottle
- MacBook
- Extra pencils, pens, and an eraser
- Water bottle
- Umbrella (optional, but recommended)
- Padlock – Secondary Students are required to bring their own Padlock for the locker.
Each secondary school department will supply students with textbooks, laboratory supplies and materials to enhance teaching and learning throughout the year.
Students from Year 4-Year 12 may bring a mobile phone to school. However, the use of devices is carefully monitored by the school to ensure we maintain an educational environment. Students are not allowed to use mobile phones during lessons unless given permission by their teacher and should not make or answer phone calls whilst at school unless given special permission.
Utahloy International School Guangzhou is committed to the purposeful and meaningful infusion of technology and 21st century skills in support of its mission. As a school, we recognize the critical role that digital devices play in UISG’s development of an inquiry-driven learning community that embraces the diversity and uniqueness of each individual in commitment of the International Baccalaureate continuum.
Year 3-4 students are required to bring an iPad for school use.
YEAR 5-12 students are required to bring a Mac laptop for school use.
If you have any questions regarding the purchase of new devices to be used for learning at UISG, please do not hesitate to contact the IT department at
All new students in Year 4-12 will be provided Student ID cards by the Primary & Secondary Offices using the photo provided during the application process. ID cards for students in K-Year 3 will be kept with their homeroom teacher throughout the year.
Students in Year 4-12 can use their ID card to pay for printing materials or purchases at the school canteen. Please see the CANTEEN section below for more details on how to charge and recharge money to the student ID card for purchasing.
UISG Parents may apply for a Parent Pass card which allows them easier access to campus for student pick-up, appointments, or special events. Parents must submit a Parent Pass Application form at the start of each new school year and printed passes may be collected at the main reception desk of the Administrative Building ten working days after application submission. Upon collection of your new parent pass card at reception parents are required to show photographic proof of identity (e.g. passport/Chinese ID card) and sign the Acknowledgement of Code of Conduct and Guideline Regarding Entry and Exit the school on receiving the parent card.
Parents that do not have a parent pass will be required to show official photographic proof of identity (e.g. passport/Chinese ID card) and complete sign-in procedures upon every visit to campus.
If you have any questions about the Parent Pass, or to submit your Parent Pass Application Form please contact us at
On their first day of school for Semester 2, Homeroom teachers will send home information for parents regarding weekly timetable and other important information.
Students in Year 6 – Year 12 will receive their full class schedule on the first day of school. The Secondary School Office may contact new secondary students prior to the start of the new school year if they need to discuss specific course selection options.
Parents should be advised that students are placed in homerooms with the aim of having academic, linguistic and cultural diversity in each class. The school reserves the right to place students accordingly and is intentional about ensuring that each of our homeroom groups is a representation of UISG’s international community. We are not able to honour parent requests for a particular teacher or homeroom placement.
NOTE: Please refrain from contacting the Admissions Department with regard to student placement requests and class schedules as this information is handled by the divisional administration and will not be available until the timeframe posted above. Parents are reminded that the Admissions Department does not play any role in class placements and cannot accept requests for specific class placements. Parents with questions regarding their child’s placement may contact the appropriate Heads of School with any concerns.
Students in K to Year 10 are required to wear the UISG School Uniform which is to be worn in its entirety all day, to and from school. We appreciate your support in having your child in their school uniform from the first day of school. It is advised that all uniform items are marked with the student’s name.
There is no set uniform for Year 11 and 12, but students are expected to dress in a respectful manner, being mindful of the School as a learning institution.
Uniform items must be purchased from the School Uniform Shop, located on the school campus. Orders can be placed in person, or through our e-shop which be found at or by scanning the e-shop QR code below:
When ordering online you will need to know your child’s Year Level and UISG Student Number which can be found in your enrolment documentation.
During New Family Orientation, families will have the opportunity to visit the uniform shop and purchase uniforms or pick-up uniforms that were pre-ordered online.
UISG House System
All UISG students and teachers are part of the Utahloy House system. They are allocated to one of four houses: Pandas, Warriors, Tigers and Dragons.
The family environment is enhanced through the House system. Members of the same family will be in the same house. Throughout the year students will represent their house, competing in a range of activities, such as Sports Day. Each House has House Captains who help to organise members of their house for such events.
K-K3 |
Uniform Requirements |
Year 1 – Year 3 |
Uniform Requirements |
Year 4 – Year 5 |
Uniform Requirements |
Year 6 – Year 10 |
Uniform Requirements |
Year 11 – Year 12 |
Dress Code |
The School Uniform Shop is open weekdays from 8:30am to 4:30pm. For additional school uniform purchasing information, please contact the uniform shop team at
UISG offers optional school bus service to and from campus on school days for our students. Parents are given the option to register for school bus service during the initial application process. If you intend to use school bus services but did not register for bus services during the application process, please contact our Admissions Office ( and Busing Office ( as soon as possible. To register, you will be required to submit a signed copy of our UISG School Bus Service – Home/School Agreement and confirm your current address in Guangzhou.
As much as possible, we attempt to arrange pick-up and drop-off locations near our student’s housing complex. Local regulations, permit requirements, or housing locations may prevent us from providing a stop right at your home. School buses are required to stop at public bus stop locations, per the regulations set out by local authorities. Our Busing Office will inform you of the closest pick-up point on our established bus routes. All school buses have bus supervisors who are always in mobile phone and WeChat contact with the school. Parents are not permitted to ride the school bus with students.
Our Busing Office will contact new UISG families prior to their first day of school to provide them details of their bus route including the location of pick-up and drop-off, the schedule of pick-up and drop-off, and a QR Code that allows them to join their bus route’s WeChat group. Buses arrive at school between 7.50am – 8:15am each day. Afternoon buses depart between 3:30pm – 3:40pm.
Please be mindful that it is the parent’s responsibility to updte our Admissions Office ( and Busing Office ( if you change your local address, contact information, or wish to alter your current busing services.
Late Buses
While after school activities are in session, late buses will be available on those days that activities are scheduled and will depart school at 5:15pm. Students are only permitted to remain on campus and take the late bus if they are participating in an authorized activity/event or under the direct supervision of a member of staff. Students who have registered for, and have parents’ permission to stay for, an activity will automatically be transferred to a late bus. Students that remain on campus but not in an organised activity (e.g. students staying behind to work under the supervision of a teacher) must follow school procedures to arrange their space on a late bus.
Please be reminded that late buses are limited in their routes and drop-off points compared to regular bus service. All primary students must be picked-up by a designated adult at the drop-off point. The Late Bus Routes Schedule can be found on our website.
SchoolsBuddy App
UISG utilizes the SchoolsBuddy mobile application to help students and parents manage their bus transportation schedule. Please see the PARENT COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS section below for more information on SchoolsBuddy.
The first day of school for semester two of the 2024 – 2025 school year is Tuesday, January 7. Our Admissions Office will be offering appointments January 2,3 and 6 for new families to visit the campus to complete administrative tasks to prepare for their children’s first day of school on January 7.
Our regular school day runs from 8:20am – 3:20pm.
If your child is taking the school bus, please ensure that your child is at their designated pick-up location at least 5 minutes prior to the pick-up time provided to you by our Busing Office. Our bus drivers are unable to wait for students that arrive late to their pick-up location.
If you are choosing to drop your child off on campus yourself, please plan to arrive to campus between 8:00am – 8:15am. Secondary School students travelling to campus alone should also arrive to campus between 8:00am – 8:15am
Please review the BOOKS & SUPPLIES section for more information to ensure your child brings everything they need for their first day of school. Your child’s teacher will also provide more specific information in their communication to you.
Please see below for a list of important new contacts to help you as you prepare to join the UISG community. An exhaustive list of contact information for UISG staff is available in the Parent-Student Handbook.
Department / Position |
Contact |
CANTEEN | General Inquiries | | |
– Canteen Manager | Eva Guo | | |
ADMISSIONS | General Inquiries | | |
FINANCE | General Inquiries | | |
– Finance Manager | Terry Wong | | |
– PA to Head of School | Fion Hu | | |
– PA to Head of Secondary | Fancy Zou | | |
– PA to Head of Primary | Livy Xie | | |
– Admin Assistant | Suki Zhou | | |
– Assistant IT Manager | Gavin Chen | | |
– Administration Manager | Letitia Lin | | |
UPTA | Utahloy Parent Teacher Association | | |
UISG E-Shop | |
UISG is fortunate to have a parent organization called the Utahloy Parent Teacher Association (UPTA). Founded in 2006, the UPTA is run by a team of members representing a variety of nationalities, cultures, and language backgrounds within the school community.
- Provides a communication channel between the parent community and the school.
- Plans and coordinates fund raising events through which parents can meet teachers, other parents and understand the school better.
- Organizes events and social, culture sharing and education activities for the school community.
- Raises funds to support charities, to provide fun and future activities to UISG Students and improve the school environment.
- Organizers 4 annual meetings between all parents and the UISG leadership team.
All parents and teachers of UISG are automatically members of the UPTA. The UPTA is excited about helping support new families and their transition to the UISG community. Feel free contact representatives to know more by email:
The purpose of the Parent-Student Handbook is to provide parents and students with general information about UISG including details on rules and policies, students code of conduct, contact information, school structures and procedures, parent and student agreements. We encourage Parents and Students to read this document carefully and should you have any questions please direct them to the Primary or Secondary School office.
UISG uses a variety of tools to facilitate communication between Parents, Teachers, and School Administrators.
- ManageBac is the leading online learning platform for IB world schools. ManageBac facilitates communication of school curriculum planning, assessment and reporting. Prior to the first day of school, parents will receive a notification email about their ManageBac account creation at the email address provided during the enrollment process.
- ManageBac is considered the official communication channel between the Primary and Secondary Offices and parents. We highly recommend all parents ensure that they have access to, and are regularly checking, ManageBac to ensure they do not miss any important school announcements.
- The UISG ManageBac login portal can be found at or can be accessed using the ManageBac Mobile App.
- Parents are asked to submit all attendance excusal notifications through ManageBac if their child will be absent from school.
- For helpful tutorials on how to use ManageBac as a parent, please visit this site: Navigating ManageBac as a Parent or view the links below
The SchoolsBuddy App is used at UISG to help manage student extra-curricular activities and bus arrangements. Please follow the links below to download the mobile app for your phone. You can also access the system through a web browser here:
Additional tutorial information will be shared by Activities and Busing Offices.
Prior to the first day of school, parents will receive a notification email about their SchoolsBuddy account creation at the email address provided during the enrollment process. Please download the app in advance:
- Apple App Store, please download it from the Apple APP Store :
- APK Link, please copy-paste the link to your cellphone webpage browser and download the APP. (Please do not use WeChat to open it): - UISG Web page:
Schoolsbuddy Parent Guide
– Download
AOC Registration
Transport Change Requests
UISG departments utilize WeChat to support our daily operations in several ways.
- Our Official WeChat channels share updates and information on general school activities and connects parents to our Uniform e-shop and Canteen Ordering systems.
- For students using UISG Bus Services, parents are provided access to a WeChat group that connects them to their child’s bus supervisor for updates on important transportation updates.
- UISG parents and the UPTA maintain year level WeChat groups to facilitate communication between year level parents. These groups are not UISG administered and will only be by the school in case of sharing emergency information.
- WeChat groups may be set up by UISG staff to support student participation and communication in various student activities and events.
- Please note that WeChat is not appropriate for direct communication with Teachers regarding your child. Please use ManageBac or Email.
Follow our Official UISG WeChat:

UISG support departments such as the Admissions, Finance, and School Bus Offices will utilize email as the primary communication tool with parents. We require that all parents ensure that the school is aware of their up-to-date contact information and respond to all school communications in a timely manner to support their family’s continued enrollment.
Classroom teachers and academic offices may also contact parents via email if necessary and will respond to parent email requests in a timely manner.
A complete list of UISG staff email addresses can be found in the Parent-Student Handbook.
The UISG canteen supplies an international variety of nutritious and tasty meals. The canteen is supporting the school wide ‘fit for life’ programme by providing the highest standards of nutrition and hygiene. All food is prepared fresh daily in the canteen. Meals available daily include a hot buffet, sandwiches, salads and snacks. Vegetarian options are available. The canteen is open daily at recess (for Secondary students) and at lunch. It is not open for students in between lessons.
The canteen menu provides a variety of healthy and nutritious foods. We can accommodate a range of dietary requirements (e.g. allergies to dairy, vegetarian). Please ensure that all relevant information is provided to your child’s homeroom teacher.
The menus for all students are shared with parents every week.
- Daily lunch and snack costs are included in tuition fees and will be brought to students in the classroom daily.
- Parents can pre-order lunch from the school canteen or send lunch from home. Parents are encouraged to pre-pay for canteen fees in advance of each semester. Please contact our Finance Office ( to pay for canteen fees.
- Review the K3-Y2 Ordering Meals Guideline for details on how to pre-order lunch using our online ordering system each week.
- *Note: the online ordering system option will not be available until a few days before the start of the semester.
- Students are permitted to choose and purchase their own lunches from the canteen or bring lunch from home.
- Students pay for lunch using their Student ID card and are responsible for ensuring there is enough credit in their account to cover the cost of lunch orders. Students can check their account balance in the canteen.
- Canteen Account Top-up Guidelines
Review these Frequently Asked Canteen Questions for further details on our canteen program and procedures.
Sample Menus:

Packed lunch
Your child may bring in a healthy lunch from home to eat at school. Microwaves are available for hot lunches for Y3-Y12 only. There are refrigerators available for students in K-Y6 to store their lunches. Heating appliances or hot water are not available for K-Y2 students.
For any food service inquiries, please contact our Canteen:
UISG provides all textbooks and most school supplies as part of the school program. Supplies and items listed below are required from home and should be prepared for the first day of school. Heads of School will provide more details on these items in their welcome letters prior to the start of school.
Early Years (K-K3)
- School Bag – Each child requires a good size backpack, big enough to hold the UISG A4 plastic folder (24cmX34cm/10inX14in) and artwork. Please mark the school bag (inside or at the back where it is not noticeable for security reasons) the following things:
- Name:
- Class:
- Teacher:
- Bus No (if applicable):
- Refillable Water Bottle
- Healthy Snack (optional) – Morning and afternoon snacks will be provided by the school. Parents can send additional healthy snacks as needed.
- Lunch (if not ordering canteen lunch)
- School Uniform
- Hat (a requirement for outdoor play)
- Indoor shoes and extra socks
- A spare set of casual clothes – T-shirt, shorts/skirt/dress, underwear and a pair of socks labelled in a plastic bag that will be kept in the classroom in case of emergency.
Primary (Year 1- Year 5)
- School Bag – Each child requires a backpack large enough to hold 2 or 3 A4 folders (24cmX34cm/10inX14in), and items listed below. Please mark all student property with their name in English and homeroom. Bags on wheels are not recommended as they are bulky to store in homerooms, difficult to get on and off the school bus and they can be dangerous for students to carry on stairs.
- School Uniform including appropriate shoes
- Healthy snack
- Water bottle
- Hat (a requirement for outdoor play)
- Lunch (if not ordering a canteen lunch)
- Umbrella and raincoat
- Y3-Y4 iPad and charger
- Y5 MacBook and charger
Secondary (Year 6 – Year 12)
- School Bag – each child requires a backpack large enough to hold their laptop, 2 to 3 folders (24cmX34cm/10inX14in), library books and items listed below. Please mark all student property with their name in English and homeroom.
- School Uniform including appropriate shoes
- Healthy snack (also available for purchase)
- Water bottle
- MacBook
- Extra pencils, pens, and an eraser
- Water bottle
- Umbrella (optional, but recommended)
- Padlock – Secondary Students are required to bring their own Padlock for the locker.
Each secondary school department will supply students with textbooks, laboratory supplies and materials to enhance teaching and learning throughout the year.
Students from Year 4-Year 12 may bring a mobile phone to school. However, the use of devices is carefully monitored by the school to ensure we maintain an educational environment. Students are not allowed to use mobile phones during lessons unless given permission by their teacher and should not make or answer phone calls whilst at school unless given special permission.
Utahloy International School Guangzhou is committed to the purposeful and meaningful infusion of technology and 21st century skills in support of its mission. As a school, we recognize the critical role that digital devices play in UISG’s development of an inquiry-driven learning community that embraces the diversity and uniqueness of each individual in commitment of the International Baccalaureate continuum.
Year 3-4 students are required to bring an iPad for school use.
YEAR 5-12 students are required to bring a Mac laptop for school use.
If you have any questions regarding the purchase of new devices to be used for learning at UISG, please do not hesitate to contact the IT department at
All new students in Year 4-12 will be provided Student ID cards by the Primary & Secondary Offices using the photo provided during the application process. ID cards for students in K-Year 3 will be kept with their homeroom teacher throughout the year.
Students in Year 4-12 can use their ID card to pay for printing materials or purchases at the school canteen. Please see the CANTEEN section below for more details on how to charge and recharge money to the student ID card for purchasing.
UISG Parents may apply for a Parent Pass card which allows them easier access to campus for student pick-up, appointments, or special events. Parents must submit a Parent Pass Application form at the start of each new school year and printed passes may be collected at the main reception desk of the Administrative Building ten working days after application submission. Upon collection of your new parent pass card at reception parents are required to show photographic proof of identity (e.g. passport/Chinese ID card) and sign the Acknowledgement of Code of Conduct and Guideline Regarding Entry and Exit the school on receiving the parent card.
Parents that do not have a parent pass will be required to show official photographic proof of identity (e.g. passport/Chinese ID card) and complete sign-in procedures upon every visit to campus.
If you have any questions about the Parent Pass, or to submit your Parent Pass Application Form please contact us at
On their first day of school for Semester 1, Homeroom teachers will send home information for parents regarding weekly timetable and other important information.
Students in Year 6 – Year 12 will receive their full class schedule on the first day of school. The Secondary School Office may contact new secondary students prior to the start of the new school year if they need to discuss specific course selection options.
Parents should be advised that students are placed in homerooms with the aim of having academic, linguistic and cultural diversity in each class. The school reserves the right to place students accordingly and is intentional about ensuring that each of our homeroom groups is a representation of UISG’s international community. We are not able to honour parent requests for a particular teacher or homeroom placement.
NOTE: Please refrain from contacting the Admissions Department with regard to student placement requests and class schedules as this information is handled by the divisional administration and will not be available until the timeframe posted above. Parents are reminded that the Admissions Department does not play any role in class placements and cannot accept requests for specific class placements. Parents with questions regarding their child’s placement may contact the appropriate Heads of School with any concerns.
Students in K to Year 10 are required to wear the UISG School Uniform which is to be worn in its entirety all day, to and from school. We appreciate your support in having your child in their school uniform from the first day of school. It is advised that all uniform items are marked with the student’s name.
There is no set uniform for Year 11 and 12, but students are expected to dress in a respectful manner, being mindful of the School as a learning institution.
Uniform items must be purchased from the School Uniform Shop, located on the school campus. Orders can be placed in person, or through our e-shop which be found at or by scanning the e-shop QR code below:
When ordering online you will need to know your child’s Year Level and UISG Student Number which can be found in your enrolment documentation.
During New Family Orientation, families will have the opportunity to visit the uniform shop and purchase uniforms or pick-up uniforms that were pre-ordered online.
UISG House System
All UISG students and teachers are part of the Utahloy House system. They are allocated to one of four houses: Pandas, Warriors, Tigers and Dragons.
The family environment is enhanced through the House system. Members of the same family will be in the same house. Throughout the year students will represent their house, competing in a range of activities, such as Sports Day. Each House has House Captains who help to organise members of their house for such events.
K-K3 |
Uniform Requirements |
Year 1 – Year 3 |
Uniform Requirements |
Year 4 – Year 5 |
Uniform Requirements |
Year 6 – Year 10 |
Uniform Requirements |
Year 11 – Year 12 |
Dress Code |
The School Uniform Shop is open weekdays from 8:30am to 4:30pm. For additional school uniform purchasing information, please contact the uniform shop team at
UISG offers optional school bus service to and from campus on school days for our students. Parents are given the option to register for school bus service during the initial application process. If you intend to use school bus services but did not register for bus services during the application process, please contact our Admissions Office ( and Busing Office ( as soon as possible. To register, you will be required to submit a signed copy of our UISG School Bus Service – Home/School Agreement and confirm your current address in Guangzhou.
As much as possible, we attempt to arrange pick-up and drop-off locations near our student’s housing complex. Local regulations, permit requirements, or housing locations may prevent us from providing a stop right at your home. School buses are required to stop at public bus stop locations, per the regulations set out by local authorities. Our Busing Office will inform you of the closest pick-up point on our established bus routes. All school buses have bus supervisors who are always in mobile phone and WeChat contact with the school. Parents are not permitted to ride the school bus with students.
Our Busing Office will contact new UISG families prior to their first day of school to provide them details of their bus route including the location of pick-up and drop-off, the schedule of pick-up and drop-off, and a QR Code that allows them to join their bus route’s WeChat group. Buses arrive at school between 7.50am – 8:15am each day. Afternoon buses depart between 3:30pm – 3:40pm.
Please be mindful that it is the parent’s responsibility to updte our Admissions Office ( and Busing Office ( if you change your local address, contact information, or wish to alter your current busing services.
Late Buses
While after school activities are in session, late buses will be available on those days that activities are scheduled and will depart school at 5:15pm. Students are only permitted to remain on campus and take the late bus if they are participating in an authorized activity/event or under the direct supervision of a member of staff. Students who have registered for, and have parents’ permission to stay for, an activity will automatically be transferred to a late bus. Students that remain on campus but not in an organised activity (e.g. students staying behind to work under the supervision of a teacher) must follow school procedures to arrange their space on a late bus.
Please be reminded that late buses are limited in their routes and drop-off points compared to regular bus service. All primary students must be picked-up by a designated adult at the drop-off point. The Late Bus Routes Schedule can be found on our website.
SchoolsBuddy App
UISG utilizes the SchoolsBuddy mobile application to help students and parents manage their bus transportation schedule. Please see the PARENT COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS section below for more information on SchoolsBuddy.
The first day of school for semester one of the 2024-2025 school year is Tuesday, August 13. Orientation day for new families is on August 12, more details will be shared to parents in August. You can purchase the uniforms on Orientation day or you can make an appointment with admissions office to visit and purchase the uniform before the Orientation day.
Our regular school day runs from 8:20am – 3:20pm.
If your child is taking the school bus, please ensure that your child is at their designated pick-up location at least 5 minutes prior to the pick-up time provided to you by our Busing Office. Our bus drivers are unable to wait for students that arrive late to their pick-up location.
If you are choosing to drop your child off on campus yourself, please plan to arrive to campus between 8:00am – 8:15am. Secondary School students travelling to campus alone should also arrive to campus between 8:00am – 8:15am
Please review the BOOKS & SUPPLIES section for more information to ensure your child brings everything they need for their first day of school. Your child’s teacher will also provide more specific information in their communication to you.
UISG is a day school and does not offer boarding facilities.
If you are interested in a boarding school in the Guangzhou area, we encourage you to contact our colleagues at Utahloy International School Zengcheng (UISZ). Both UISG and UISZ are operated by the Utahloy Education Foundation and offer a similar standard of international education.
UISZ is a full K-12 school and offers boarding program for students starting at 8 years old.
As an international school aligned with the relevant regulations set by the Guangzhou Education Bureau, UISG is only able to offer enrollment to students holding a valid foreign passport or children who are Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan residents. We are not able to offer enrollment to children who hold a People’s Republic of China passport.
If you are uncertain if your child is eligible to apply to UISG, please contact the Admissions Office before you begin the application process.
After all application steps including an interview with one of our Heads of School have been completed, you should receive your admission decision within 5 working days. Your Admissions Representative will be in regular contact with you throughout the process and will update you if there will be any delays.
Please note that application processing times may be slower during summer and national holidays.
If we have reached our maximum capacity in your child’s year level, you will receive a notification that they have been placed in our wait pool for future enrollment consideration. If an appropriate space becomes available in the future, our Admissions Office will contact you with an offer of enrollment.
Students from Year 4-12 that have not attended a full-time English language school for at least 3 years will be requested to complete an English language assessment as part of the application process. This assessment may be completed on-campus or online with the assistance of an Admissions proctor.
Heads of Division may request applicants to complete additional language or subject assessments based on a review of their application and their requested year level. In some instances, a trial class observation may be required before an admissions decision can be granted.
We request all applicants complete a student and family interview during the application process with a Head of Division. This interview is not an opportunity to judge the child on the spot, but rather we use it as an opportunity to get to know your child and family better, answer any questions you may have about UISG, and ensure that there is a strong fit between your family’s educational goals and UISG learning philosophies.
Please review the year level placement policy on our Admissions Procedures page for details on how to select the correct year level for your child in the application.
Our Admissions Office is available to help answer any questions you may have about selecting the appropriate year level. However, please note that the final decision on year level placement will be made by your child’s Head of Division after reviewing their completed application.
Parents are required to use the online application portal to request a Confidential Reference Form from their child’s most recent teacher if they are applying for Years 1-12.
After you’ve completed the initial application form for your child in the application portal, you will see a link for “Confidential Reference Form”. Please click that link and enter the professional e-mail address of the teacher who will provide your child’s recommendation. That teacher will receive an e-mail link from us with instructions on how to complete the form.
For the sake of confidentiality, UISG can only accept reference forms that are submitted using the online system or that are sent directly to us from the recommending teacher. Recommendation forms that are sent to us by the applicant’s parents will not be accepted.
We always encourage families to submit the application as soon as they have made the decision to apply. We do not have a hard deadline for when applications must be submitted. Space in some year levels may be limited, and offers of enrollment will be made on a first-come, first-served basis.
For families hoping to have their child join us at the start of a new school year in August, we recommend submitting the application early in the Spring. For families that are hoping to have their child join us at the start of the second semester in January, we recommend submitting the application in late Autumn.
We understand that families may sometimes make sudden moves to Guangzhou with little notice, and our Admissions Office will work with you to move through the application process quickly in these instances.
We recommend that students start school with their peers in August at the start of a new school year or at the start of the second semester in January. However, we understand that international families move throughout the academic year and regularly enroll students after a new semester has begun. Our Admissions Office works closely with our Academic teams and families to ensure that these mid-semester transitions are as smooth as possible.
Please note that in some year levels, students wishing to enroll during the last few weeks of a semester may need to defer their start until the start of the new semester due to the end-of-semester assessment schedule.
The easiest way to pay the application fee is via the WeChat pay code below.
Please make sure that in the notes of your payment that you include your child(ren)’s full name so that we can associate the payment with your family. We encourage you to send a copy of your application fee remittance to and
If you’d like to pay the application fee via bank transfer, please contact us and we will provide you our bank transfer information.