金蛇起舞迎春到 吉庆盈堂福运长 | UIS Rings in the Year of the Snake
Before delving into the details of the Chinese New Year event, Ms. Dorothy Wong extended her heartfelt wishes to the entire community.
Before delving into the details of the Chinese New Year event, Ms. Dorothy Wong extended her heartfelt wishes to the entire community.
On the afternoon of 21st January 2025, as the Year of the Snake drew nearer and nearer, UISG Secondary students gathered together at the MFH to join in a wonderful Chinese New Year celebration, an occasion suffused with an atmosphere of joy and blessings, which provided an audio-visual feast for the teachers and students participating.
The UISG Student Council and House Captains, with support of staff leadership, shook themselves off from an August start to leap into September with Spirit Week: an energetic, fun, colorful week of student-initiated events and activities.
This week the Year 10 physical education classes planned and ran a Sports Day for our Early Years Wolf Cubs. The key idea of their current unit is to build positive relationships and demonstrate social responsibility in a school community.
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