Before delving into the details of the Chinese New Year event, Ms. Dorothy Wong extended her heartfelt wishes to the entire community.
在正式回顾当天的春节晚宴细节之前,Ms. Dorothy Wong向整个社区送上了诚挚的祝福。

On the evening of 15 January 2025, as the Year of the Snake approached, the UISG and UISZ campuses once again joined hands to celebrate the Chinese New Year with a beautiful and exciting event for the staff.
2025 年1月15日夜,乙巳蛇年渐近,广州誉德莱外籍人员子女学校广州校区与增城校区再度携手,共襄一场美轮美奂、精彩纷呈的员工新春盛会。

The winter is over, and the stars are shining. Standing at the end of one year and the beginning of another, we had navigated many hardships on our way to welcoming this carefully prepared Spring Festival event. Dr. Dan Mullen, the Head of School at UISG, delivered the opening speech, expressing his heartfelt gratitude to the staff for their hard work over the past year, as well as his expectations and hopes for the year ahead.
凛冬散尽,星河熠熠。岁末年初,我们历遍千帆,终迎这场精心筹备的春节盛典。广州誉德莱外籍人员子女学校校长 Dr. Dan Mullen登台致开幕辞,言辞恳切,向过去一年里辛勤耕耘的员工们致以衷心谢意,亦为新岁寄寓深切期望与美好祝愿。

All evening the party was full of highlights and memorable moments. A brand-new Spring was welcomed accompanied by the prayers and blessings of all. A joyful lion dance performance kicked off the show, a flashing spiritual brushstroke, as the gorgeous prelude to the New Year’s party. Local and expatriate staff dressed up in traditional costumes strongly associated with New Year celebrations and played the magnificent Chinese drums. To the melodious tune of ‘You Raise me up’, dancers showed the beauty of their art on the stage with light steps and delicate posture, just like the spring elves.
整场晚会,春潮涌动,姹紫嫣红。一个全新的春天,在众人的祈愿祝福中启幕。喜气洋洋的舞狮表演率先登场,如灵动的笔触,拉开新春晚会的华丽序幕。中外员工身着浓郁新年特色的传统服饰闪亮登场,敲响气势磅礴的中国鼓。闻鼓声而心潮澎湃,观舞影而春意盎然,伴随着《You Raise me up》的悠扬旋律,UISG的舞者们步履轻盈,于舞台之上,展现艺术之美,曼妙身姿,恰似春日精灵。

The ancient rhyme of the zither and the tones of western string instruments intertwined, combining Chinese and Western styles in a quiet and profound musical journey. Afterwards, the guitar solo ‘Perfect’ was sung in low voice, like a babbling brook, telling a story from the depths of the human heart. Its poetic lyrics continued the musical journey. A performance of ‘Both Sides Now’ to the accompaniment of a harmonious pairing of guitar and piano resonated with profound emotion; the familiar romantic classic ‘Can’t Take My Eyes Off You’, instantly roused the audience and charged the atmosphere in the venue. The duet ‘Endless Love’ touched all hearts deeply, with its lyrical melody and enchanting vocals sending the listeners into rapturous applause several times over. The solo performance of “Nara Ekele” added unique flair to the evening.
随后,古韵筝音与西洋弦乐在会场的上空交织,中西合璧,带来一场静谧深邃的音乐之旅。吉他独唱《Perfect》低吟浅唱,似潺潺溪流,诉说人心深处的故事。歌声如诗,音乐的旅程仍在继续。在吉他、钢琴的配合下,一曲《Both Sides Now》显得格外深情动人;经典熟悉的旋律《Can’t take my Eyes off You》登场,瞬间点燃了会场浪漫热情的氛围;双人对唱《Endless love》,深入人心,抒情的旋律、迷人的嗓音让人几度沉醉;《Nara Ekele》的独唱则给晚会增添了一抹独特色彩。

The modern dance was exquisite as the dancers interpreted emotions and dreams with their body language. The trumpet solo was graceful, the sound of the music like a breeze, carrying the mind flying over mountain ranges and rivers with its melody. The fashion show was vibrant, with every step exuding confidence and a vigorous passion for life. At the dinner, the cultural background was bright and fantastic, a variety of cultural and artistic works were staged one after another, just like a colorful scroll slowly spreading, unfolding to expose a cross-cultural dialogue charming in all its aspects. Finally, the staff of the Guangzhou Campus and the staff of the Zengcheng Campus performed a golden dragon dance together. The golden dragons wound and leapt between heaven and earth, symbolising the joy and blessings of the Chinese New Year and pushed the atmosphere at the party towards its crescendo.

‘The silver serpent is winding its way through the air, and auspicious omens promise sweet years ahead.’. The party came to a successful end with speeches made by the Head of School from the UISZ and UISG. New flowers are blossoming, and verdant growth is endless. Looking forward to the new year, may we join hands and work together again to write a brilliant and glorious new chapter!
“银蛇蜿蜒神气爽,祥兆盈门岁月甜。” 花团锦簇,满庭芳华,晚宴在增城校区与广州校区的大校长的分别致辞中圆满落幕。新花初绽,翠色绵延。展望新岁,愿我们携手并肩,共谱璀璨新篇,再铸辉煌!