Chantelle Parsons | Head of Primary 小学校长
消息 xiāo xi
Friday January 17th
Another amazing array of talent on show this afternoon in our CNY music festival. Such a special event and wonderful to see so many parents joining us. A HUGE shoutout and thank you to Jessie and Ian, who go above and beyond to provide a place for our children to show off their talents.

Celebrating CNY with Visual Art
Art entry for Xiaoxi
Join Us for a Celebration of Chinese New Year Art!
We are excited to invite you to a special celebration of selected Chinese New Year art entries on Wednesday, January 22nd, from 8:15 AM to 10:15 AM in the Admin Hall. This event will feature a coffee morning, allowing you to enjoy refreshments while admiring the incredible artwork curated by our art department from a wide range of submissions.
A heartfelt thank you to all the parents who encouraged and supported their families in participating in this year’s annual art celebration. We look forward to seeing you there and celebrating the creativity and talent of our students together!
We will celebrate work from all categories:
- For students from K to Y12 working independently
- For siblings, friends, families working collaboratively
- For any parent or staff member from UISG community working independently

Exhibition and coffee morning
Time: Wednesday 22nd January 8:15-10:15
Place: Admin Hall
Please scan the QR code for registration to attend the coffee morning. Please note that not every student’s work will be exhibited. You will have a received a personal invite if your child’s work is featured in the exhibition.
Parent Workshops
Our January workshop is ready for sign up, this is targeted at Early Years parents:

Events Coming Up
- January 22 – Art Exhibition and Coffee Morning
- January 23 – Parent Workshop: Play Schemas
- January 24 – Wear red, Chinese tradition clothing or something to do with a snake!
- January 24 – Last day (finish normal time, 3:20pm)
- February 10 – Everyone back to school 😊
1 月 17 日,星期五
今天下午,我们的中国新年音乐节上又有一批精彩的才艺表演。我们很开心能看到这么多家长参加此次特别活动。非常感谢 Jessie 和 Ian,他们竭尽全力为我们的孩子提供了一个展示才华的舞台。

- K-Y12学生的独立作品
- 兄弟姐妹、朋友、家人的合作作品
- UISG 社区任何家长或工作人员的独立作品

时间: 1月22日周三 8:15-10:15
地点: Admin Hall行政大厅

- 1 月 22 日 – 艺术展览和咖啡早会
- 1 月 23 日 – 家长研讨会:游戏图式
- 1 月 24 日–穿红色、中国传统服装或与蛇有关的衣服!
- 1 月 24 日 – 最后一天(平常时间放学,下午 3:20)
- 2 月 10日 – 所有人返校 😊

Martin Grist | Head of Secondary 中学校长
20 – 24 Jan (Week 21B)
Dear Parents and Guardians,

This week distinguished guests, UEF board members, teachers, admin and support staff all enjoyed a Chinese New Year celebration. Next week, it is the turn of the students to celebrate, with a Secondary school assembly on Tuesday January 21st. This will be in the MFH from 2pm – 3.15pm. Parents are warmly invited to join us for this special occasion. Students are asked to wear red, or traditional Chinese clothes on the day.
ACAMIS basketball

Our ACAMIS basketball teams have been preparing this season for the big ACAMIS tournament taking place from Jan 16-18 in Hong Kong.
Model United Nations

Our Model United Nations (MUN) group are also busy taking part in the U2NESCO conference taking place at UISZ. It is truly impressive to see the sophisticated, high level of discussion on topics of global issues and interest, combined with the poise and polished debating skills. It is also rewarding to see students from across 5 different schools come together, make connections and new friendships, and appreciate the different perspectives that they bring to this conference.
Parent Sessions家长信息会
- January 24 – Secondary Parent Coffee Morning – focus on maths – a sign-up has been sent out on Managebac, so please let us know ahead of time if you are planning on attending
- February 28 – Secondary Parent Coffee Morning – focus to be confirmed
We hope you are able to join us for the ones that are relevant to your child.
Events Coming Up
- January 21st – Chinese New Year celebration assembly – students are encouraged to wear red of Chinese celebration
- January 25 – February 9 – Chinese New Year Holiday
- February 12 – 14 – Year 10 MYP eAssessment mock exams
- Feb 14-15 – ACAMIS Robotics @UISG
- March 6-7 staff Professional Development days (no students)
- March 6-8 SDRC Volleyball
2月12日至14日— 10年级MYP评估模拟考试
2月14-15日—ACAMIS Robotics @UISG