Dr. Daniel Mullen | Head of School 校长
Dear UISG Families,
As we head into the final week before Spring Break, here is a quick look at the many opportunities planned – please join us!
Monday, 24th: We kick off the week with the Year 5 into Year 6 Parent Information Session. This is a great opportunity for parents to gain insights into the transition process and planning underway to ensure a smooth transition to secondary next year.
Tuesday, 25th: Our High School Football teams will compete in the GISSA Championship from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. Go UISG Wolves!
Wednesday, 26th:
- UISG Career Fair for Years 10-12 will take place at UISG in the MFH from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM. This is an excellent chance for students to explore future pathways and connect with professionals from around Guangzhou.
Thursday, 27th:
- Grade 11 ToK Exhibition will take place from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM at MFH. This is a wonderful opportunity to see our students’ critical thinking and creativity in action.
- U9 GISES Football Championships will be held, with boys competing at Yagang and girls at ISAC. Best of luck to all our young athletes!
- We also celebrate Teacher’s Appreciation Day to honor the dedication and hard work of our incredible teaching staff.
Friday, 28th: Join us for the Parent Coffee Morning focused on Science, from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM. This is a great chance to connect with other parents and learn more about our science curriculum.
Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our school community.
Kindest regards,
Dr. Daniel Mullen
Head of School
Year 10 Personal Project Exhibition – March 19, 2025

在进入春假前的最后一周,让我们来快速浏览下周的活动 – 期待您的参与!
UISG 10-12年级的人才事业博览会将于下午1:30至3:30在UISG的MFH举行。这是一个让学生探索未来道路和与来自广州各领域专业人士联系的好机会。
- 11年级ToK展览将于上午9点至下午12点在MFH举行,该活动将展示出我们学生的批判性思维和创造力。
- U9 GISES足球锦标赛也在这天举行。祝我们所有的年轻运动员好运!
- 当天我们还将庆祝教师感恩日,以表彰我们优秀的教师团队的辛勤奉献。
Dr. Daniel Mullen
10年级个人项目展览- 2025年3月19日

Chantelle Parsons | Head of Primary 小学校长
Friday March 21st 2025
Yesterday was the International Day of Happiness, and here at UISG, we have many things to be happy about!
How was your day?
It can be hard for children to share information with parents about their day. In fact when parents ask ‘ How was your day?’ often the response is ‘nothing’, a blank stare or even walking away. A great initiative in K1 to help parents know more about what is happening in school is on the poster below and we think it could be useful for all parents. K1 are also using of story bracelets to prompt students in telling stories about their day.

Bus Contacts
Just some bus updates…
For any inquiries for the normal 3:30 bus, please contact schoolbus@uisgz.org
For any inquiries for the late bus after ECAs, please contact jliang@uisgz.org
School Uniform
As the weather is changing we are noticing some students are choosing to wear their own clothes. Just a reminder that children should be wearing school uniform each day unless it is a special event. Thank you for your collaboration with this.
Events Coming Up
- March 27 – K Celebration of Learning
- March 28 – K3 Celebration of Learning
- March 28 – Last day before the holiday (finish @ 3:20pm)
- April 7 – First day back
2025 年 3 月 21 日星期五
昨天是国际幸福日,在 UISG ,我们有很多值得高兴的事情!
孩子们很难与父母分享他们一天的情况。事实上,当父母问“你今天过得怎么样?”时,他们通常会回答“没什么”,茫然地看着甚至走开。下面的海报是 K1 的一个宝贵分享,旨在帮助父母更多地了解学校发生的事情,我们认为这适用于所有父母。K1 还使用故事手环来提示学生讲述他们一天的故事。

如需咨询正常 3:30 的校车,请联系 schoolbus@uisgz.org
如需咨询 ECA 之后的晚班车,请联系 jliang@uisgz.org
- 3 月 27 日 – K 学习庆祝活动
- 3 月 28 日 – K3 学习庆祝活动
- 3 月 28 日 – 假期前最后一天上学(下午 3:20 放学)
- 4 月 7 日 – 返校第一天

Martin Grist | Head of Secondary 代理中学校长
Dear Parents and Guardians,
The coming week sees a couple of significant events taking place at school. On Wednesday in the MFH from 1:30 – 3:20pm we have our Careers and College Fair – “Life After High School” – with industry experts, university representatives and careers booths. Thank you to those parents who are giving up their time to support our students. If you are curious (and maybe interested in helping out next year) please do come along. Then on Thursday, also in the MFH, from 9.30 – 11, we have our Year 11s Theory of Knowledge (TOK) exhibition. TOK is a core component of the Diploma programme, and is one of the unique aspects of the DP that sets it apart from other education systems. You are also invited to come along and find out more.
In an exciting new experience for our classical musicians, this weekend sees the school orchestra head to SWIS in Shenzhen to join with other young musicians in a weekend of music making.
Personal Project Exhibition
The Personal Project exhibition this week was a wonderful showcase of the high-level thinking, creativity and communication skills of our Year 10 students, as they displayed their products and talked proudly and effectively about the process they went through in achieving their Learning Goal and their Product Goal. Congratulations to the Year 10 students.

Parent Sessions家长信息会
Please save the date for these upcoming Parent Sessions:
March 28 – Secondary Parent Coffee – focus on Science [time change: 2:00 – 3:20pm]
April 25 – Secondary Parent Coffee Morning – focus on Physical and Health Education

Events Coming Up
- March 26 – Careers Fair “Life After High School” in the MFH
- March 27 – TOK Exhibition in the MFH
- March 28 – Secondary Parent Coffee afternoon – focus on Science (2:00 – 3:20pm)
- March 31-April 5 – school holiday
- April 7th – school photos
- April 8th – 10th – MAP tests for Years 6-10
- April 18th – last day of school for the Year 12s
And coming up later this year, here are the confirmed dates for Year 12 Graduation:
- Friday May 23rd at 1.45pm – Graduation ceremony at UISG
- Saturday May 24th – Celebration dinner for Year 12 parents and Year 12 students at the Ritz-Carlton
接下来的一周,学校将会有几件重要的事情发生。周三下午1:30 – 3:20在MFH,我们有职业和大学博览会-“高中后的生活”, 有行业专家,大学代表和就业摊位。感谢那些付出时间来支持我们学生的家长们。如果您有兴趣(也许有兴趣明年帮忙),请一定要来。然后在周四,也是在MFH,从9:30到11点,我们有11年级的知识理论(TOK)展览。TOK是DP课程的核心组成部分,也是DP区别于其他教育体系的其中独特之处。我们也邀请您一起了解更多。
3月28日中学家长咖啡时间—关注科学[时间改成:下午2:00 – 3:20]
- 3月26职业博览会“高中毕业后的生活”在MFH
- 3月27日TOK展览在MFH
- 3月28日中学家长咖啡下午-关注科学(下午2:00 – 3:20)
- 3月31日—4月5日学校放假
- 4月7日—学校年度拍照
- 4月8日至10日 6-10年级的MAP考试
- 4月18日——12年级最后一天上学