Y6 students complete their first Design unit as secondary students!

Y6: Design for Building Bridges
As the students have crossed over from primary to secondary school, the first design unit has appropriately been about bridges! Students have completed their first round of the design cycle and researched purpose, function and engineering principles to be considered when building bridges.
The statement of inquiry is:
Developing functional models requires collaboration.
The Approaches to Learning (ATL) Skill being highlighted is:
Collaboration skills: Working effectively with others: Helping others to succeed.
Throughout the unit, students have had the chance to begin understanding the design cycle and, working together, made their own designs for bridges using what they had learned from research and discussion.

Looking Forward: Y6 Design for Community

For their second unit, Y6 students will be designing and printing their own stickers which show their House affiliation and help build a sense of identity and community.

Here are Y6’s questions as they get started on their primary research:

Vanessa Brett
Sterling Toppings
December 13, 2024