In the classroom, we aim to create a safe and pleasant learning environment for students and teachers. Our students experience various teaching styles, from traditional lecture-style presentations to the more progressive models of inquiry-based learning, online interactive platforms and the flipped classroom. At UISG, we know that a balance of traditional and progressive approaches supports our aim of educating the whole person.
Student Experiences
Classroom Experiences
Extra-curricular Activities
Students have the opportunity to participate in three sessions of activities during the school year. Sessions are approximately ten weeks long and allow students to participate in different activities and sports. The athletics seasons are generally aligned with the after-school activities sessions.
Activities can occur at lunch or after school, while athletics usually only happens after school, especially in Year 6 and above.
Staff, as well as external providers, sponsor extra-curricular activities. In secondary school, they are also sponsored by students.
Experiential Learning through Field Trips and Camps
Field trips and camps are an essential component of our academic programme.
Field trips start in the Early Years and continue through Secondary graduation. These off-site learning experiences connect classroom learning to the world and enhance classroom learning. They are equally valuable to students in primary and secondary school.
While field trips generally enhance a subject area, camps have a life of their own, exposing students to new challenges and opportunities locally and across the country. Camps begin on campus in Year 2 and gradually extend from one night to two nights for the younger grades and then take an entire week for the older students. Rock climbing, kayaking, hiking, and camping are just some activities students experience. Camp week is a highlight of the year for many students!
House System

The House System is an integral part of the student experience at UISG. It provides opportunities for students to work in teams and enjoy friendly competition in sports, quiz shows, and other competitions. It is intended to develop school spirit and a sense of belonging to each student’s House and the school. Students are assigned houses when they join the school. Siblings are assigned to the same House.
Year 11 Students can run in an election for House Captain of the four school houses: Dragons, Pandas, Tigers and Warriors. In addition, House Representatives (Reps) are elected by their house peers for each House. Once elected, the House Captains and Reps are responsible for organising team spirit during house events, encouraging participation in events, and planning and leading assemblies. Each House has a Secondary House Leader to liaise with the House Captains and Reps.
Student Leadership
UISG encourages all students to participate actively in the school community, developing opportunities for student involvement in decision-making, building community, and leadership.
Students are empowered to have a stake in their school, not as passive subjects of adult administration but as active leaders involved in the daily processes that directly affect them. The result is a school wherein ‘community’ is not a buzzword for a mission statement but an actual way of life that envelops the entire campus and its constituents.
Student leadership opportunities are available in the arts, athletics, student-led activities (Secondary), student council in both divisions, service learning, and through activities such as Model United Nations (MUN) and ACAMIS arts and cultural events, to name a few.
Primary Student Council
The Primary Student Council is a platform which enables children to take responsibility for themselves and the learning community they are in and gives the children ‘a voice’. It encourages students to contribute positively to their school by inquiring, acting and reflecting.
The Primary Student Council is led by the Utahloy Action Committee (UAC), formed by elected Year 6 students. In the UAC, students:
- Identify areas for development in our school
- Brainstorm solutions
- Put the solutions into action
- Reflect and evaluate the impact of those actions
Each year group from Year 1 to 5 will have four representatives. Each representative will be from the schoolhouse — Panda, Warriors, Dragons, Tigers. For example, Year 2 will have four reps, one from each house. Through these representatives, all students can raise issues, share ideas, and take part in discussions in a democratic manner. Broader issues that arise at Year Council meetings will then be discussed further at UAC, which ensures that as many pupil voices as possible are heard.
Secondary Student Council
The Secondary Student Council exists as a forum for Student Voice. Student Council members are directly elected by their peers. They are guided by a staff member and liaise regularly with the UISG Senior Leadership Team to address areas of interest concerning the student body.
The purposes of the Student Council are to:
- Serve as a vehicle by which students can discuss and present issues to the School Administration
- Organise events which serve as social activities
- Raise funds and decide which charities (local and overseas) will receive monies raised
- Organise special events (e.g. Winter Ball), which will be subsidised with funds raised
- Host school assemblies
- Disseminate Student Council information through various channels.