Our K2 students have been eagerly learning about the five senses and their role in understanding the world around us. They choose one sense to present to their Early Years (EY) friends to celebrate their newfound knowledge. We could not be prouder of their courage building on their social and communication skills throughout this process.
Here is a glimpse of their presentations:
Our sight ambassadors created a visual feast, highlighting vibrant colours and objects. They even organised a fun guessing game for their wolf cub friends.
2. The hearing enthusiasts delighted everyone with a captivating music corner, inviting their friends to join in. They also introduced sound-matching activities.
3. The smell experts curated an aroma station with delightful scents. Their wolf cub friends had a blast guessing the fragrances.
4. The taste connoisseurs treated everyone to a mini-food fair, offering a range of flavours. The wolf cubs savoured the opportunity to explore their sense of taste.
5. The touch enthusiasts created hands-on experiences with sensory bins filled with different textures. Their friends eagerly dove in and enjoyed tactile exploration.
6.Our water experts transformed water play into extra fun. Their playful activities, from pouring and splashing to scooping and stirring, had everyone on the edge.
Our K2 students exhibited immense courage and communication skills throughout these presentations. Thanks to all our teachers and EY friends for their support!
We look forward to continuing our exploration of the world around us with joy, curiosity, and a sense of wonder.
Jai Roa (K2 HRT)