Last Friday, 22nd November 2024, UISG Primary students, teachers, and parents came together for the Primary Students’ Sports Day. After a few days of rain, the weather cooperated to ensure a fun-filled day of sports activities.

The event started with the parade of houses. The students and teachers marched with excitement, wearing their house color shirts with pride to represent their sports houses. This was followed by a welcome address from the Head of Primary, Ms. Chantelle Parsons, and a short warm-up exercise to wake up and prepare the muscles before the main sports events.

The lower and upper primary students, teachers, and parents simultaneously competed in various sports events such as sack race, relays, tug-of-war, and swamp ball. The day culminated with the Warriors being crowned champions in the Lower PYP and the Dragons in the Upper PYP. Special thanks to our Year 9 students for helping to organize and ensure the smooth flow of our sports events.
You could feel the competitiveness in the air as everyone cheered for their house and encouraged each other to win or finish a game. What better opportunity to develop athletic abilities, understand and promote teamwork, and, most importantly, experience the community spirit through Sports Day! More to look forward to next year !