EAL · in Primary @UISG
English as an additional Language
At UISG, we take pride in our commitment to providing a holistic and inclusive education for all our students. The Primary EAL Programme is a pivotal element of this commitment, serving as a cohesive and comprehensive English language support initiative for our diverse student body.
The ultimate English language support programme for Primary (ages 5-11) and Secondary (ages 12-15).针对5-11岁小学生和12-15岁中学生的英语提升辅助课程,您的孩子将能:
- ✅ Build confidence in their English 建立对英语的自信心
- ✅ Excel in their studies 展现更优异的学习成果
- ✅ Feel empowered by their new language skills 感受新语言技能所赋予的力量
- ✅ Enhance their pathway to university 拓宽升读大学的途径
- ✅ Receive developmentally appropriate instruction 接受适合学生发展的教学
Curriculum Foundations 课程基础
Read Write Inc Phonics (RWI), Comprehension, and Fresh Start form the backbone of our language foundations programme for UISG EAL students. These programs provide content material and offer a pedagogical approach aligned with AERO language foundations and WIDA standards. EAL teachers complement this by giving additional mathematical language instruction and UOI push-in sessions.
在我校,EAL进修学生的学术之旅是以Read Write Inc Phonics (RWI),Comprehension(阅读理解),以及Fresh Start(新起点)三大支柱为核心构建的,构成了一个坚实的语言基础课程体系。这些课程紧密贴合AERO语言艺术标准与WIDA框架,确保所提供内容与教学方法既高质量又具国际兼容性。此外,为了进一步强化学习效果,我们的EAL教师精心设计了额外的数学语言辅导及与单元探究(UOI)相结合的辅助课程,旨在全方位增进学生的语言运用能力与学科知识,逻辑性地衔接语言学习与整体学术进展,实现教育内容的流畅整合与深度支持。
Collaborative Approach for Language Growth
Our EAL teachers work closely with homeroom teachers, fostering a collaborative environment to support students’ English language growth. This collaborative effort ensures seamless integration of language development strategies within the broader curriculum.
Framework and Resources
Upon admission to UISG Primary School, students are assessed based on their admission data, previous or current English language proficiency evidence, and the WIDA Screener test conducted for the EAL Enhanced Program.
在UISG小学的招生阶段,我们采取综合评估方法,细致考量每位申请者的入学资料、以往及当前的英语能力证明,并通过实施WIDA Screener测试来进一步评估其英语语言强化需求。这一过程确保了我们对学生的英语水平有全面而精准的把握。
Utilizing WIDA for Comprehensive Support
利用 WIDA 提供全面支持
EAL Educators utilize the WIDA framework to:
- Promote and guide systematic, explicit, and sustained language development.
- Support collaboration among UISG teachers for content and language integration in culturally and linguistically sustaining ways.
- Monitor multilingual learners’ language growth.
- Provide standards-referenced feedback to students and families.
Q1. How is my child assessed? 如何对我的孩子进行评估?
Assessment is viewed as an ongoing process. EAL teachers assess students’ language proficiency and monitor students’ classroom performance in collaboration with classroom and specialist teachers. WIDA 2020 Edition proficiency descriptors are used to monitor student progress.
评估被视为一个持续进行的过程,其间EAL教师与学生的任课教师及专业教师紧密合作,共同承担起评估学生语言能力的职责,并细致监测他们在课堂上的表现。为了准确追踪学生的进展,我们采纳了WIDA 2020版的能力描述作为衡量标准。
Q2. When will my child exit the EAL Programme ? 我的孩子什么时候可以退出EAL课程?
EAL support is no longer required when the child demonstrates the language and skills necessary to work independently in the mainstream classroom. EAL teachers will continue to “check in” with students in their homeroom class to monitor their progress and offer support.