The Chinese Language Department has prepared a series of cultural activities for the Mid-Autumn Festival for students.
The Mid-Autumn Festival is considered one of the most important Chinese festivals. Families traditionally gather to admire the full moon during this reunion celebration and eat moon cakes.
We started decorating a week in advance to make the campus more festive. Teachers helped students learn how to make lanterns and use them as festival decorations. Various styles of colorful lanterns bring our beautiful campus a brand-new look. The warm yellow light of the lanterns attracts everybody’s attention. The campus resembles a happy garden party in a fairy tale world.
Share legends and customs
In Chinese Acquisition Classes, teachers share legends and customs of the Mid-Autumn Festival, helping students understand the festivities. The students are proud of their cultural learning and have fun on Kahoot! They cheer whenever they get an answer correct.
Solving lantern riddles
Solving lantern riddles is an ancient Chinese tradition that we incorporated into our celebrations. Chinese mother-tongue students turned out to solve lantern riddles. This lively event filled the school corridors with discussions and laughter. Some gathered in groups to discuss answers, some concentrated on thinking independently, and some displayed happy and confident smiles as they solved the riddles. They all had a great time and participated enthusiastically. Solving lantern riddles allows students to experience Chinese culture and appreciate the charm of Chinese characters and the beauty of the language.
Enjoy delicious festive fare
We also let students bring festive food to school. Enjoying delicious festive fare was a highlight of the celebrations. “I am really excited about the Mid-Autumn Festival. During class, we tasted 月饼(moon cake) and shared our favorite snacks. It was fun, and the food was yummy.” said the student. In class, eating moon cake while socializing with classmates and teachers, our students celebrate the arrival of the Mid-Autumn Festival.
We wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.
月到中秋分外明,人到中秋情更浓 “凉夜清秋半,空庭皓月圆”,中秋是中国的传统佳节,是象征团圆、和谐、吉祥的传统节日。秋夜微露,桂花风起,时光辗转,又是月圆。9月27日,在中秋佳节即将到来之际,我校中文部组织孩子们开启了一场知月、品月、探月之旅。 用心”制”月,古韵流芳。明月装饰了我们的风景,我们装饰心中的明月。孩子们通过手工制作制作五彩缤纷的花灯,体验手工制作的乐趣,表达人之团圆的美满祝愿,开启那束藏在花灯里的温暖的光。 用心“知”月,情深意浓。活动中,老师们通过图片、故事、电影、问答活动等形式,让孩子们了解了中秋节的来历,知晓中秋节的许多趣事与风俗。 用心“探”月,逸趣横生。把星河搬到人间,花灯明如月,欢乐猜灯谜。一条条谜语跃然于彩纸上。孩子们三五成群,驻足于灯谜丛中,在思索灯谜中感受无穷乐趣,让每一次猜想都幻化成惊喜。 用心“品”月,言笑宴宴。以月之圆兆人之团圆,月饼赋予了团圆的寓意。孩子们一起分享月饼,追忆过往畅谈未来,每一口月饼都带来一寸欢喜。 圆月映长空,美好与君共。圆月是最圆满的景,中秋是最美的情,孩子们对中秋的“圆”又多了一份理解。江河湖海,日月星辰,我们放飞梦想,去打捞那一弯盈盈明月,用青春的声音与青春的姿态,共同写就一首岁月静好的中秋之诗。值此中秋佳节、满室欣然之际,广州誉德莱外籍人员子女学校祝大家中秋节快乐!
Cindy Angelica and Sandee