金蛇起舞迎春到 吉庆盈堂福运长 | UIS Rings in the Year of the Snake
Before delving into the details of the Chinese New Year event, Ms. Dorothy Wong extended her heartfelt wishes to the entire community.
Before delving into the details of the Chinese New Year event, Ms. Dorothy Wong extended her heartfelt wishes to the entire community.
On the afternoon of 21st January 2025, as the Year of the Snake drew nearer and nearer, UISG Secondary students gathered together at the MFH to join in a wonderful Chinese New Year celebration, an occasion suffused with an atmosphere of joy and blessings, which provided an audio-visual feast for the teachers and students participating.
Chinese New Year is a vibrant and joyous occasion, and this year, our Early Years wolf cubs made it extra special with a day filled with exploration, learning, and celebration!
Thank you UPTA, we love our hats!
This year, our talented UISG students have immersed themselves in the rich symbolism of the snake, interpreting its meaning through a fantastic collection of artworks that capture the spirit of the Chinese New Year. Revered for its ability to shed its skin, the snake symbolizes transformation, renewal, and fresh beginnings—making it an important emblem for the year ahead.
On Friday afternoon, January 17, 2025, the Multi-Function Hall (MFH) at UISG came alive with the sounds of music, dance, and festive cheer as our Primary students, along with friends from UNC, presented an exciting Chinese New Year Music Festival.
The Utahloy International School Guangzhou (UISG) is calling on community members and parents to serve as volunteers for its second Career Fair, themed “Life After High School,” on March 26, 2025, from 1:30 to 3:30 PM. This year’s event will feature a combined Career and University Fair component, providing students in Years 9 to 12 with valuable insights into both career pathways and post-secondary education options.
Wishing our HS basketball teams the best of luck as they head into the end-of-season Yellow Division ACAMIS tournament in Hong Kong from January 15-18!
On Wednesday January 8th, Louis Grist, 3rd year product design student at Willem de Kooning Academie in Rotterdam, Netherlands visited the UISG Design Technology classroom to share his portfolio, experience, advice, inspiration and laughs with DP students studying Design.
The UISG College Counselling Department is committed to meeting the unique university application needs of our diverse community. In certain university systems, language barriers and specific knowledge necessitate external expertise to best support our students and parents.
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