When choosing a school for your child, do you focus solely on academic achievements?
At Utahloy International School Guangzhou (UISG), we firmly believe that true education extends far beyond the classroom. As an IB World School, we are committed to nurturing well-rounded individuals, and sports play an indispensable role in our holistic educational philosophy.
Last weekend, our UISG Wolves Middle School volleyball team achieved remarkable success at the PRC Exchange Tournament in Shenzhen! Forty-five students from different grades, driven by their passion for volleyball and a desire for victory, competed fiercely on the court, ultimately securing the following honors:
Girls’ A Team:
2nd Place in the Red Division
Boys’ A Team:
3rd Place in the Red Division
Boys’ B Team:
6th Place in the Yellow Division
Girls’ B Team:
5th Place in the Yellow Division

These achievements are not only a testament to the athletes’ hard work and dedication but also a vivid reflection of UISG’s emphasis on fostering physical literacy.
At UISG, sports are more than just competition—they are an integral part of education. We offer a wide range of after-school sports activities, including tennis, football, golf, swimming, ballet, and tai chi, catering to the diverse interests and physical development needs of our students. Additionally, the school has established basketball, football, rugby, volleyball, and badminton teams, providing students with valuable platforms to showcase their talents and hone their teamwork skills.

Our students actively participate in training on campus and also venture beyond school grounds to compete in high-level sports events organized by ACAMIS (Association of China and Mongolia International Schools), such as Volleyball championships, Football tournaments, Basketball tournaments, and X-cross champions. They also engage in the Touch Rugby Tournament organized by SDRC and the PRC Red Division Badminton Championship, continually broadening their horizons and enhancing their competitive skills.

Through these sports activities, we aim to:
- Foster Teamwork: On the court, there is no room for individual heroism—only mutual understanding leads to victory. Our students learn to communicate, trust, and collaborate during training and competitions, qualities that will benefit them throughout their lives.
- Build Resilience: Sports are filled with challenges, where victories and defeats coexist. Through repeated setbacks and comebacks, our students develop perseverance and a never-give-up attitude.
- Promote a Healthy Lifestyle: We encourage students to actively participate in sports, cultivating good exercise habits that lay a solid foundation for their future learning and well-being.
Choosing UISG means embracing an educational philosophy that values holistic development and nurtures future leaders.
We believe that every child has limitless potential, and we are dedicated to providing them with the finest educational resources and the broadest development platforms, empowering them to become future talents with global perspectives, social responsibility, and lifelong learning abilities.
Follow the official Utahloy International School Guangzhou WeChat account to learn more about our IB curriculum and holistic educational philosophy!


我们的孩子们不仅在校园内积极参与训练,还勇于走出校门,参加由ACAMIS举办的各类高水平体育赛事,包括排球锦标赛、足球赛以及篮球锦标赛,还有充满挑战与乐趣的越野赛。同时,他们也积极投身于SDRC组织的触式橄榄球锦标赛,以及PRC Red Division羽毛球锦标赛,不断拓宽视野,提升竞技水平。

- 培养团队合作精神:在球场上,没有个人英雄主义,只有默契配合才能赢得胜利。我们的学生在训练和比赛中学会沟通、信任和协作,这些宝贵的品质将伴随他们一生。
- 锻炼坚韧不拔的意志:体育竞技充满挑战,胜利与失败并存。我们的学生在一次次跌倒和爬起中,磨练意志,培养永不言弃的精神。
- 塑造健康积极的生活方式:我们鼓励学生积极参与体育运动,养成良好的运动习惯,为未来的学习和生活奠定坚实的健康基础。